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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 15:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:35

六年级英语Unit1-5测试卷 2009年4月
姓名__________ 班级___________ 得分_____________
( )1.A. litter B. little C. late
( )2.A. happy B. hobby C. hope
( )3.A. No.16 B. No.60 C. No.6
( )4.A. history museum B. history teacher C. history lesson
( )5.A. how many sports B. how many stops C. how many shops
( )1AMike does . B. Ben is . C. Yes, Ben is .
( )2ANo, let’s go . B. No, we can’t . C. Good idea .
( )3ANanjing is beautiful. B. Yes, Shanghai is . C. Shanghai is .
( )4AIt’s Sunday . B. It’s sunny . C. I like summer .
( )5AIt’s on the left . B. It’s on Zhongshan Road. C. It’s about three kilomrtres away .
( ) 1. Helen is good at English .
( ) 2. Some of the boys are in the playground .
( ) 3. The museum is on the right .
( ) 4. Jim doesn’t run as fast as Jack .
( ) 5. It’s windy today .
( )1. Miss Li went for a walk in the park last Sunday morning .
( )2. Helen is good at Maths ,but Liu Tao isn’t .
( )3. An old woman is asking a man how to get to the post office .
( )4. Yang Ling is looking for her purse , but she can’t find it .
( )5. A farmer is talking to a policman ,he wants to go to the history museum .
In spring , the weather _______ ________ and the days get _______ . The trees are ______ . We often go ______ in the park .
1、每隔两星期____________________ 6. have a lot of fun ______________________
2、去散步 _______________________ 7. some warmer clothes__________________
3、和……一样低__________________ 8. the only child ________________________
4、跑出书店______________________ 9. most of the time ______________________
5、去年冬天______________________ 10. Stop thief ! _________________________
( )1. Would you like to go with me ? A. I’m sorry .
( )2. Thank you very much . B. Yes, I’d like a skirt for my daugher .
( )3. You’re late , Jack . C. OK .
( )4. Can I help you ? D. Yes , I’d love to .
( )5. Don’t be late again . E. That’s ok .
( )1. _______ a lot of rain in sping in the city .
A. There are B. They are C. There is
( )2. Jim _______ well in PE .
A. doesn’t does B. don’t does C. doesn’t do
( )3. ________ bag is heavier , _______ or ________ ?
A. Who’s , yours , her B. Whose , yours , hers C. Whose , yours , her
( )4. ---How old are you ? --- I’m three years ______ than you .
A. bigger B. smaller C. older
( )5. Which season do you like _______ , summer or autumn ?
A. best B. better C. good
( )6. You can ______ bus No.5 to get there .
A. by B. on C. take
( )7. Nancy ______ a pair of shoes , but they’re _______ .
A. has , too small B. has , small too C. have , too small
( )8. _______ the red pens as _______ as the yellow ones ?
A. Are , short B. Are , shorter C. Is , short
( )9. Lily and Lucy are _______ .
A. twins sister B. twin sisters C. twin sister
( )10. _______ gets up _______ , Helen or Yang Ling ?
A. Who , earlyer B. Who’s , earlier C. Who, earlier
( )11.What ______ the weather like yesterday ?
A. is B. was C. does
( )12. The bus is coming . Let’s ________ .
A. put on B. get off C. get on
( )13. ---Where is the cinema ? --- ____________.
A. You can take a bus . B. It’s not far from here . C. It’s on Xihu Road .
( )14. Su Hai dances as ______ as Nancy .
A. good B. better C. well
( )15. Liu Jun is very _______, he is good at the _____________ .
A. tall , high jump B. taller , jump high C. high , high jump
( )16. ---Does the girl ______ Australia ?
---Yes , I met her ______ Shanghai Street this morning .
A. come from , in B. is from , on C. is from , in
1. He can ________ ( run ) fast , he ___________ ( run ) .
2. They ________ ( sit ) down and _________ ( have ) a chat just now .
3. There are ________ ( five ) stops from here to the library . Don’t forget to get off at the _______ ( five ) stop .
4. It’s _________ ( rain ) now , and it often _________ ( rain ) in the season .
1. I hope ______ see you .
2. My father is going to work in Nanjing _______ two years .
3. She is talking _______ her dad ________ it .
4. Do more exercise ________ you go to school .
5. Liu Tao often play baskerball _______ weekends .
1. and , pick apples , People , go to farms , like to ( . )
2. six centimetres , than you , Su Yang , taller , Is ( ? )
3. show me , to , Can you , the shopping centre , the way ( ? )
4. Suddenly , a short man , saw , I , behind me ( . )
七、根据上下文, 完成短文。(11分)
1. ---Look , Gao Shan and David are _______ the _______ _________ (跳远) now .
---_______ Gao Shan jump _________ than David ?
---I think he can .
---Look, Gao Shan jumped ________ than David .
2. --- ______ you _______ spring ?
---Sure . Spring is my favourite season .
--- _______ ?
---Because I can _______ _________ (放风筝) .
Mary is a little fatter than she wants to be . She 1 to lose some weight(减肥). So she is on diet (节食). She tries (试着)not to eat too much . She eats very few sweets 2 it will make her 3 . She does exercise every 4 . She swims very often ,and she runs about two kilometres a day .Now she is very happy because she is thinner than before .
( )1. A. wants B. thinks C. asks
( )2. A. when B. why C. because
( )3. A. hungry B. fat C. tired
( )4. A. day B. week C. month
( )1. Mary is very fat before .
( )2. Mary is on diet ,she eats very few sweets .
( )3. She swims about two kilometres away .
( )4. Now she is thinner ,she’s very happy .
六年级英语Unit1-5测试卷 2009年4月
( B )1.A. litter B. little C. late
( B )2.A. happy B. hobby C. hope
( A )3.A. No.16 B. No.60 C. No.6
( C )4.A. history museum B. history teacher C. history lesson
( A )5.A. how many sports B. how many stops C. how many shops
( A )1. Who does well in Maths in your class ?
( C )2. Shall we go to the History Museum , Mum ?
( C )3. Which city is bigger ,Shanghai or Nanjing ?
( B )4. What’s the weather like today ?
( C )5. How far is the Bank of China from here ?
( √ ) 1. Helen does well in English .
( × ) 2. All of the boys are in the playground .
( × ) 3. The museum is on the left .
( √ ) 4. Jim runs slower than Jack .
( × ) 5. It’s sunny today .
1. Helen is better at Maths than Liu Tao .
2. Miss Li took a walk in the park last Sunday morning .
3. An old woman is asking a man , she wants to go to the post office .
4. A farmer is asking a policeman how to get to the history museum .
5. Yang Ling can’t find her purse .答案:2 1 3 5 4
In spring , the weather gets warmer and the days get longer . The trees are green . We often go rowing in the park .
一、1. every two weeks 6、玩得高兴
2. go for a walk 7、一些更暖和的衣服
3. as low as 8、独生子
4. run out of the bookshop 9、大部分时间
5. last winter 10、捉小偷!
二、D E A B C
三、1~5 C C B C B 6~10 C A A B C
11~16 B C C C A A
四、1. run ,is running 2. sat , had 3. five , fifth 4. raining , rains
五、1. to 2.for 3. to about 4. before 5. at
六、1. People like to go to farms and pick apples .
2. Is Su Yang six centimetres taller than you ?
3. Can you show me the way to the shopping centre ?
4. Suddenly I saw a short man behind me .
七、1.doing long jump Can farther 2. Do like Why fly kites
八、(一)A C B A (二) F T F T

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:35


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:35


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:36


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 06:37

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