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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 15:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 23:02

Five feet broom write love - remember the National Labor Medal Deng Jinzhou

Many, he agreed. He did not expect the casual decided to completely change the fate of his family. As car Tujia Autonomous Village by the River in Yichang City, When the non-commissioned officers in the armed forces have the Deng Jinzhou, to the only two of the sanitation station, his monthly salary is 300 yuan. And with him many of his comrades demobilization were arranged to the Public Security Bureau, the prosecution 3. Cha Yuan and other government agencies. Family, relatives and friends that he lost face, and Deng Jinzhou thought that, when a sanitation worker,ed hardy swimwear, is not a shame! Time, fellow party, we all went, did not go alone Deng Jinzhou. Originally,ed hardy bikini, organizers fear the work of Deng Jinzhou disgraceful,abercrombie outlet, and his comrades gathered loses face, did not inform him. One fellow was a slip of the tongue,scarpe mbt, Deng Jinzhou know it. This thing he and his comrades made a pass fire severely. Once again, Deng Jinzhou Garbage Disposal the street, opposite the two women pointed to Deng Jinzhou, said: carrying it determination. Deng Jinzhou without complaint bear one member of the rural housing Rush, town management and cleaning staff work sanitation truck drivers. To make market town health, his 5 o'clock every morning to sweep the streets clear street rubbish, clearance and transport for the masses after the office and then to obtain a permit. He Chaohui marching every day, the daytime return, sunny covered with sweat, mud one rainy day, the annual turnout rate of 100% over 1100 tons of waste removal and transportation, urban and rural land year after year to become the only point of access to military title of the municipal township of civilization the township. Deng Jinzhou Urban Environmental Protection to stop working until 2005, his salary was 300 yuan. Institutional Reform of 2005, establishes the Urban Environmental Center, wages reached 1,200 yuan, but the cause of funding is still scarce. A sanitation worker in order to save expenses, as a One day in 2005, when Deng Jinzhou go home and change after cleaning, collapsed in the bathroom. After examination, the doctor confirmed that he is suffering from Meniere's syndrome, which causes the clock e to overwork disorders, out of control. During hospitalization, there was an old lady with fruit and pastries to the hospital to visit him, the elderly, said: the 40-year-old Deng Jinzhou, heart flutter at work, completely 3,82008.8 no time for family. His wife did not work, and later in the help of caring people, the wife of a primary school was found in a 300 yuan monthly wage work, however. Although, on Deng Jinzhou's Grandpa will rely on support of small ling, and Grandpa went out to work at a time, at home, the pigs were stolen, and he felt helpless grandfather committed suicide last drink some pesticide ... ... Deng Jinzhou often hear her say that small will one day eat a bun Ling very poor. Thus, Deng Jinzhou and his wife to find her daughter's clothes will be given to small-ling, for her to buy school supplies, and brought her to her home in the shampoo, see a doctor to guide the study. 3 years, they will be a small man-made variety of life-ling expenses paid, and told school teachers, small will ling to inform them of any difficulties. Under the care of the Deng Jinzhou, the original is very introverted, lonely little girl more cheerful. Early summer day, the soil of urban and rural places Hop House government inadvertently cause a fire. Deng Jinzhou heard the news, flew to the scene. He quickly climbed the roof. Suddenly, he thought of the kitchen gas cylinders, they quickly jumped from the roof and ran into the kitchen, put a gas tank in each hand, quickly rushed out. In his lead, the whole building was quickly transferred more than 20 gas tank. After the fire under control, Deng Jinzhou hands have been burned since a large bubble, the wife allowed this pained tears. Through the inspection, discovered that his lungs felt a lot of powder, has caused lung infection, to be hospitalized. May Deng Jinzhou only in the hospital for a long time to sneak out. August 2006, Deng Jinzhou Municipal Federation of Trade Unions invited to Hong Kong and Macao and other cities to visit and study of model workers,lunette ray ban, but in order to create a national 4A scenic river car level scenic spot inspection, cleaning tasks, he refused to take a rare opportunity to learn a go this year ... ... June 1, the Olympic torch pass in Yichang, Deng Jinzhou honor to be torch bearer, when he took over the torch of that moment, he cried excitedly. He conveyed the Chinese nation and the eternal spirit of self love ah!
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