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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-24 03:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 05:33

I'm deeply moved by what's embodied through the aerobics rehearsals. For the honor of our class, the aerobics girls in our class sacrificed a lot of their after-school hours to work hard on improving their skills. They have trained for a long time, and sometimes late into the night, well after 10 o'clock in the night. When they return to their dorms, they enre the pain all over their body. Miss X is well worth mentioning for straining her ankle ring the rehearsals and lost her chance to compete in the aerobics competition. However, Miss A accepted the challenge to replace her and learned all the skills within a very short period of time. So let's give both of them a hand.

这里give someone a hand 就是为...鼓掌的比较地道的表达方法

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 05:33

Our class what impressed me is the row of aerobics. In order to give our honor. Our class of aerobics girls sacrifice very much of the rest of the hard training. Their long-term training to more than 10 at night. Each bedroom is a sore back. Especially, in the process of practice X also sprained foot, in aerobics game. But A stand-in classmates, in short time learning all the action, I suggest that everyone applause for both encouraging.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 05:34

Our class move me most of is this time row aerobics the body appear of spirit.For giving us the class to contend for honor.We class the sacrifice of the girls which practice aerobics the quite a few coffee break be assious of train.They long-term train till evening 10 many.Every time's returning to bedroom is also a whole body of aching.Especially, the X classmate still sprained feet in the process of practice, no chance attend aerobics of game.But the A classmate in hour of danger accept order, in the in a short time study all action, I suggestion everyone applause encouragement for their 2

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 05:34

Let us ban the most touched me was the aerobics schele reflected the spirit. Our classes in order to give honor to win. Aerobics classes and training our girls have sacrificed a lot of rest time training hard. Their long-term training to more than 10 evening. Each bedroom is also a return to the pain. In particular, X of the Student in the course of practice has also hurt his foot, missed the game take part in aerobics. Student A was ordered to the crisis, in a short period of time studying all the action, I suggest that you encourage them to applaud both.
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