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各位大神,求一篇关于first aid 的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 13:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:55

First Aid Kits for Minor Accidents

First aid kits can be in a small package but it can save lives. Camping first aid kits need more comprehensive contents than the basic kit.
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First aid kits are used to treat simple cuts and wounds. It stores the necessary items used to eliminate infection and treat other serious complication on wounds or cuts caused by an injury. First aid kit is convenient to own and its contents are readily available over-the-counter.

It is very important that each home has a stacked kit for emergency purposes. All expired medicines and first aid materials should be immediately replaced. Everyone in the family must know its exact location and where it can be easily seen. This will make it convenient for everybody to reach for it when someone is hurt or fainting.

Outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, biking, mountain climbing and other can expose us to uncomplicated injury or accident. Each participant should carry a first aid kit. A group or family taking a few days wilderness adventure should indivially pack for their bags. A simple wound can worsen if not given the proper first aid considering that the hospital is far away.

You could improvise by using any box. It can be conveniently placed in the compartment of a car or inside the bag. First aid kits basic contents can only be antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointments, band aids and medicines for common health problems like headache and diarrhea.

Pharmacies and many groceries and stores offer prepacked first aid kits. It already contains the important medicines and materials for cuts and other simple health concern. The first aid kit can contain prescribed medications for people with special needs or particular disease. Caregivers should know the history of the person they are attending to, so they can add short uggs the necessary medicines on top of the basics.

Camping is an enjoyable activity outside the safety and comfort of our home. The camping site can be far from the city and medical facilities. This activity mostly involves some minor danger and risk. It is highly recommendable to be prepared when going tall ugg boots to such areas.

Check the map and carefully plan your camping trip. Make sure the travel route is in place and assess the possible dangers there. You can now make a list of the necessary contents of the first aid kit you need to bring. You should also try to get information on the special medical requirement of all the members of your group.

The camping first aid kit should be properly packed and kept safe from the rain or moist. The kit must be placed where it is easy to find. The side pockets or the top of your camping is a good location. It can be swiftly pulled out even if people panic.

Here is an example of a first aid kit that an alt should have. The content of the first aid kit should be kept in a container that can protect them from the elements. A Zip Lock sandwich bag can be used to store the first aid supplies. One bag should be prepared for injuries like deep wound. This may contain adhesive bandage, non-stick gauze pads, wound closure bandage, tube gauze, and a large bandage.
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