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so that的用法

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 14:45



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:40




This teacher is so kind that we all like him. 


He ran so quickly that we all couldn’t catch up with him. 



This is so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it. 


3、so+ many(多) / few(少) +复数可数名词+that…

He has so many books that I can’t count them.


4、so+ much(多) /little(少) +不可数名词+that…

There was so much food that we couldn’t eat it all. 


I have so little money that I cannot afford a car. 



与such that 的区别:


1、such+ a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that…

This is such an interesting book that we all enjoy reading it. 



They are such interesting books that we all enjoy reading them. 



He shut the window with such force that the glass broke. 


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:41

1、so that“以便,为了”,引导一个表示目的的状语从句=in order that

2、so that”因此,所以",引导的是结果状语从句不等于in order that


1、He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it. 


2、Bring it nearer so that I may see it better. 


3、So that tells you something. 


4、So that satisfies the definition of validity. 


5、So that on this question of appraisal and bestowal. 



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:41

一、引导目的状语从句   so that“以便,为了”,引导一个表示目的的状语从句,此时可与 in order that 换用;从句谓语中常用情态动词 may/might, can/could, should, would 等;主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。例:  My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so that(= in order that) he might keep up with times. 父亲六十岁时才开始学习电脑,以便跟上时代。  I spend more time learning English every day so that(= in order that) I can make greater progress this year. 为了今年取得更大进步,我每天用了更多的时间学英语。  二、引导结果状语从句  so that“因此,所以”,引导一个表示结果的状语从句,此时不能与 in order that 换用;从句中谓语根据需要使用相应的时态,主从句间可有逗号相隔。本文开头所列举例句中的 so that 就是这种用法。又如:  She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time. 她没把时间计划好,所以没按时完成家庭作业。  Wang Lang did not work hard enough, so that she is out of work when she is still young. 王浪工作不够努力,因此,年轻时就失业了。  三、辨别两种不同状语从句  1) 根据句子结构辨别  从句谓语中含有情态动词 may/ might,can/ could, should, would 等,这时 so that 引导的是一个目的状语从句;从句前面有逗号和主句相隔,此时 so that 引导的是一个结果状语从句。试对比以下两个例句:  Yesterday morning Yang Cheng got up early so that she could catch the first bus. 昨天早上杨成为了赶上早班车起床很早。  Yesterday morning Yang Cheng got up early, so that she caught the first bus. 昨天早上杨成起床很早,因此,她赶上了早班车。  2) 根据主从句逻辑关系辨别  so that 引导目的状语从句,一般表示尚未完成的目的或意图,主句和从句之间是结果与目的关系;而 so that 引导的结果状语从句则是表示主句所导致的结果,主句和从句之间是原因与结果的关系。试比较:  I tell my students my new telephone number so that they may call me when necessary. 我把新的电话号码告诉学生以便必要时他们给我打个电话。  I told my students my new telephone number so that all of them called me when necessary. 我把新的电话号码告诉了学生,因此,必要时他们都给我打了电话。  四、同其它结构转换  so that 引导目的状语从句时,可以与表目的的动词不定式 (not) to do …/so as(not)to do …/ in order (not) to do … 互换。但主从句主语须一致(句 ① ②),否则不能转换(句 ③)。  ① We went to the airport so that we might meet Professor Yang there.   → We went to the airport to meet Professor Yang there.   → We went to the airport in order to meet Professor Yang there.   → We went to the airport so as to meet Professor Yang there.   ② They had to walk a long way to/ in order to/ so as to fetch some firewood.   → They had to walk along way so that they might fetch some firewood.   ③ Mr.Cheng turned up the recorder so that every student in the classroom could hear clearly. (主从句主语不一致)

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:42


热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 19:43

你知道so that的用法是什么吗

...这一夜你还会为他熬夜吗?你有什么最想对他说的? 西南大学党委宣传部主要职责 平衡车进水晒干能用吗 平衡车进水了怎么办?可以晒吗? 客厅装修需要哪些电位 遗产继承如何规定 郴州酒店有哪些 郴州最大的酒店排名,郴州市内景区酒店 郴州酒店排名前十名,郴州旅游住酒店推荐 求生欲是什么意思? 翡翠手镯太小怎么戴 翡翠手镯小了怎么戴进去 qq图标可以全部隐藏吗? “so that”与“so…that”的意思分别是什么? 关于《藏地密码》10 so…that与so… as的区别 销售案场神秘客户是什么意思 这句英语的so that 是什么从句? BARE INTERNATIONAL是正规公司吗?在美国真的有这家神秘顾客公司吗?做神秘顾客不需要承担法律责任吗? so that与so...that的区别 雇佣兵的起源和现状?? 空气净化器一天开多长时间比较合适? that is so什么意思? 雇佣军的意义是什么? why is that so ? SO在这里是什么意思,代词吗? 雇佣兵在国际上究竟是怎样的一群人? that is so sweat中文是什么意思? 北极狐雇佣兵团真的存在吗? is that so? 慈禧太后是怎么逃到西安的,据说是雇佣神秘卫队,黑白两道无人敢惹? I hope so. /Is that so ?怎么用 单个中国电信营业厅有权自行雇佣神秘顾客和开展炒店吗? so that和that的区别 QQ可以隐藏全部的图标吗 that's so与 that'why区别 so that和so as的区别 so和so that的区别 梦见自己心爱的人和别人做爱? 周公解梦 梦见自己心爱的男朋友和别的女人亲热j怎么会回事啊 梦见自己的爱人与别人在床上做爱,还对着我笑,是什么意思! 梦见心上人和别人在一起亲亲楼楼的是什么意思? 梦到自己爱人和别人做爱! 女士钱包品牌,什么牌子的好? 梦见心上人跟别人上床.打都打不开 男士用什么牌子的钱包显得有品位? 梦到情人出轨和别人亲热, 男士钱包什么牌子好,有品位的 德龙咖啡机esam3000b除垢步骤是什么? 送给男士的钱包,什么品牌好? GUCCI跟LV比较,哪个钱包更有品位.? 中元节的童谣 德隆咖啡机怎么样?它的除垢步骤是什么