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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 00:28

Although "Wuthering Heights" is Emily Bronte's only novel, published in 1847, it has long been considered a classic and is included in many literary canons. In the story Catherine and Heathcliff are friends who are also in a perpetual sexually frustrated state. They are constantly wishing they were with each other, even though they have relationships with other people. This passionate friendship leads to nothing but trouble, especially when there are other people involved. Both Catherine and Heathcliff are selfish and self-centered, and the result of their egotism strains the relationships all around them to the point of breaking.

Catherine ends up marrying Edgar Linton who is from the neighboring estate, Thrushcross Grange. They reside together with Edgar's sister, Isabella. In a rebellious state, Isabella runs off to marry Heathcliff. Edgar and Catherine have a little girl, also named Catherine (or Cathy), who is born just hours before Catherine (the elder) dies. Meanwhile, Isabella runs away from the tyrant Heathcliff only to find out she is pregnant with his son, whom she names Linton.

Cathy continues to grow up at the Grange under the care of her father, Edgar. Isabella becomes sick and dies. Linton is then taken in by Edgar, but when Heathcliff finds out he has a son, he takes the boy into his house at Wuthering Heights.

There were many times where the characteristics of the parent come out in the child. For instance, Catherine (the elder) was quite conceited and was used to having her way. There were many times where she was downright rude to the people around her and treated the servants with no respect at all. Even though Cathy never knew her mother, there were times when she was haughty and rude, especially when she met Hareton, her other cousin, and made fun of his vernacular speech.

After Linton was summoned to Wuthering Heights to live with his father, Heathcliff, his father was candid with him, noting his weakness and scrawniness. Linton eventually married Cathy. Almost immediately, young Linton takes on the telltale characteristics of his long-lost father. He tells Cathy that everything she owns is his, including all of her estate and even the locket she wears on her neck (at which he proceeds to tear from her neck and crush with his boot just to show her his power). Thus far, these actions seem quite out of place with Linton's past demeanor.

Children learn from their parents and other influential alts in their lives, even if the behavior isn't positive. In Cathy's case, she didn't even have to witness her mother's actions to mimic them in her teenage years. Linton didn't grow up with his father, but in a matter of a few years learned from his example in how to treat women. Although he did not have many positive male role models, he used what male role models were there, and it was the absent father figure who turned up later in life. He chose to behave like his father (perhaps to assimilate) rather than the upbringing his mother had tried to instill in him. He chose to believe his father's lies rather than what his mother had taught him before she died (which goes along with what his uncle and Nelly Dean told him). It is in human nature to imitate the parent figure of the same sex to a certain degree, even if it not right.
Kent State University's school of theatre and dance performed a rendition of the classic, Jane Eyre this month. The show was a musical with all of the necessary elements to lift you from your seat and submerse youinto a society in nineteenth century England from the time the cell phone shut-off announcement was made until the last note at the curtain call. The recurring arches, darkened, soft lighting, and the use of a classic chorus to go along with them alluded that a sinister underbelly of social status and reputation were present in the performance.

One of the first things that an audience member noticed was the grandeur of the set. It was composed of a gothic-style foreground with rustic twigs of a root-like earthy appearance. There were grand arches for windows and entries as well. Also, the background was a large arch with the silhouette of roots. There were also two matching greek-style pillar arches on either side of the stage. They added a lot to many messages of the show. For one, they were grand structures that were barren inside which is much like Mr. Rochester himself. He was a man of high social stature but felt enslaved by his trick of a marriage and his grand yet incomplete (without a true love) home. The arches also suggest the importance of reputation with the same sort of fundamental grand image yet emptiness. The way that people are enslaved yet scramble to ascertain that solid image amongst their peers. The arches were almost inviting the audience to come inside to reveal their secret, the thing that was hidden deep inside that could send the structure crumbling in ruin.
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