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讲讲时间安排(time management)对我们未来的重大意义,它将怎样帮助我们成功?最好用英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:43

Why time management?
When we are asked to identify one thing that make us stressful, a lot of us will say "time".
"There isn't enough time to finish the work I have to do."
"I don't have time to spend with my family."
"I don't have the time to get organized."
"I don't have the time ....
The essence of time management is to set priorities and then to organize and execute around them. Setting priorities requires us to think carefully and clearly about values, about ultimate concerns. These then have to be translated into long- and short- term goals and plans translated once more into scheles or time slots. Then, unless something more important — not something more urgent — comes along, we must discipline ourselves to do as we planned.
Developing time management skills is a journey and it needs practice and other guidance along the way.
One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies while having a social life.

First: try our exercise in time management:
How do you spend your time each day?

Strategies on using time:
These applications of time management have proven to be effective as good study habits.

As we go through each strategy, jot down an idea of what each will look like for you:

Blocks of study time and breaks
As school term begins and the course schele is set, develop and plan for, blocks of study time in a typical week. Blocks ideally are around 50 minutes, but perhaps you become restless after only 30 minutes? Some difficult material may require more frequent breaks. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Place blocks of time for study the hard subjects when you are most proctive.

Dedicated study spaces
Determine a place free from distraction (no cell phone or text messaging!) where you can maximize your concentration and be free of the distractions that friends or hobbies can bring!
What is the best study space you can think of? What is another?

Prioritize your assignments
Get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. You'll be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best.

Achieve "stage one"--get something done!
First, launch your project! Second, by starting, you may realize that there are some things you have not planned for in your process. To identify the first step means get yourself started.

Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done!
Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished!
Think of the pride of accomplishment. You don't have to say "no" learn to your favorite activities, just say "later".

Get help!
Using outside resources can save you time and energy, and solve problems.

Try something you have a good chance of following through and accomplishing.
Nothing succeeds like a first successful try!
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