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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 13:07



热心网友 时间:2024-03-27 05:17

you give me money.
i give you happy.
very money,very happy!
no money,no happy!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-27 05:17

Tiger Hill
The tiger hill was built upon a rolling mountain hill with an area of 2 hectare, grand and broad. Perfect environment and mild climate have the northeastern tigers and African lions live here comfortable and cozy. Here we have 18 northeastern tigers and 5 African lions. A well-known group of 6 tigers and lions is living here in an air of good friendship. The tiger hill can be divided into 6 parts, including 3 sports grounds, one breeding place, one sightseeing site and one academic report hall.

Bear and Lion Hill
The bear & lion hill was built based on the shapes of the land, which covers an area of 1 hectare, facing the lion and tiger hill. The main animals there are black bears, other brown bears and Malaysia bears. They are so clever that they can give audience many wonderful performances under the ecation of the feeder. They make people laugh by doing circling, shaking hands, looping the loop, etc.. There are also other animals showed here, such as leopard, ounce, lynx, wolf, etc., A comprehensive performance stand with 400 seats is located here, showing all-time performances to the tourists.
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