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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 01:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 18:49

I).How can you ensure that workplace information is only used for authorized purposes?

There are some effective tricks that you can employ to ensure workplace information for authority:
1.Set rules clearly. Rules and regulations in the workplace should always be clear and prioritized. Set the rules and discuss each of them to your employees by way of your Human Resourced department. Be clear and straightforward about the rules and standardize it for every employee in the company.

2.Update the rules based on legislation. Many companies have required passing the test in order to get hired or to continue employment. It is critical for a company to base its privacy rules on existing legislation for as long as it does not contradict common sense.

3.Restrict access to employee information. For example, to purchase database software and store the information here with Human Resource as the only department that can access the system.

4.Allow employees access to their personal file. Give them the ability to update their file. In this case, you will be quelling all kinds of resistance against this invasion of privacy by allowing them to edit what is written on their file.

II).One of your team member spouse passed away, as team leader, give 4 constructive suggestions that you could show he/she the team is there for he/she, either formally in a meeting or informally in a team discussion.

Answer: 这个想的比较纠结,因为我不太会安慰人,你凑合着看吧嘿嘿

1.Show your satisfaction at his working ability and encourage him to look ahead rather than sunk in depression.

2.Tell him you will offer your help anytime he/she needs. All your members will be ready to help him/her anything.

3.Provide more opportunities to let him speech out his ideas in a meeting or discussion to distract him from depression.

4.Mention some Famous Quotations in your discussion to cheer him up.

III).when handing customer complaints ,write down four interpersonal skills your employer would like to see you use .give 4 examples and brief explanation.

answer:没工作过不太了解practical的状况~ 如果有觉得不对的地方可以告诉我下~
1.To be a good listener and less aggressive. Customers’ primary aim is to solve problems rather than catch a fight.

2.Stress the reputation and quality of your company and procts, and importantly, promise everything will be resolved appropriately.

3.Provide your name card or work ID number to show your sincerity and profession. Tell them to contact you without hesitation if they meet problems again.

4.Show your understanding and modestly present your solution of certain problems, and check them with your customers to see whether them do work.



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