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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-28 00:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 07:36

In 1709,naturally extravagant Prussian King Frederick I of Prussia at the time was the most famous architects of an off-Lu and Ge Deen begin construction of the "Amber Room" (AmberRoom).Amber Room after the completion of an area of about 55 square meters,made entirely of amber,12 Wall paneling and 12 foot columns,decorated with silver foil on which can be arbitrarily assembled into a variety of shapes.At that time,the value of amber gold 13 times,so "Amber Room" in terms of precious materials,the degree or level of technology it can be termed rare Exotic,has been called "the world's eighth wonder" reputation.In order to curry favor with Russia to strengthen the military alliance between the two countries,
Frederick I in 1716 decided to grant Russia's Peter the Great's Amber Room.1717,amber houses were delivered to St.Petersburg,Russia.Later,this estimated value of 100 million 5 10 million pounds of art treasures in St.Petersburg was again brought to the outskirts of the village Tsar (later renamed Pushkin) Catherine Palace.German invasion of the former Soviet Union,the Catherine Palace,craftsmen had intended to yarn and false wallpaper to cover up the Amber Room.However,the Germans captured the palace of the see through his mask,the Amber Room apart shipped to Germany.People know that the Germans once made Amber Room collection of Konigsberg in East Prussia,but since then,will no longer
No one knows its whereabouts.Past 60 years,people have had all kinds of speculation,the search carried out by every possible means,but the Amber Room has always disappeared.The legendary Amber Room became the world's most important,one of the missing works of art.It had been filled with hope,hope that the pieces of art treasures in a unknown location waiting for the call of the world.Just last year,Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder attended the Catherine Palace Amber Room copies of the opening ceremony,a booklet distributed at the ceremony

热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 07:36


热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 07:37

Amber room
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