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At The Bottom (Overdubbed Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 10:24



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 13:00

歌曲名:At The Bottom (Overbbed Version)
歌手:Willie Nelson
专辑:Willie Nelson And Friends

Brand New - At The Bottom
I watched you throw out your bouquet
Now I think about you everyday
I'm alone now in my bed
And there's a lake
And at the bottom you'll find all our friends
They don't swim cause they're all dead
We never are what we intend, or invent
'Cause I make little lies and then I pull them apart
Think something dark's living down in my heart
And if I wanted to die before I got old
I should've started some years ago digging that hole
Well I carry this box to the proper place
And when I lower it down
I let it you fade away
I hope that you would do this for me
Well I'd serve you drugs on a silver plate
If I thought it would help you get away
I hope that you would do this for me
A deer that a hunter shot in the heart
Some dogs that got hit by cars
All came to spill their guts
And we spoke
About the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
And which songs we had loved the most
And then we all turned to dirt
And st
Some men die under the mountain just looking for gold
Some die looking for a hand to hold
Well I carry this box to its proper place
And when I lower it down
I let you fade away
I know that you would do this for me
Well I'd serve you drugs on a silver plate
If I thought it would help you get away
I hope that you would do this for me
I'm slowly bringing you down from the Heavenly gates
Now I'm drowning in the flood I made
Well explain myself to me on the other side
I'll watch from Heaven when I die
Well I carry this box to the proper place
And when I lower it down
I let you fade away
I know that you would do this for me
Well I'd serve you drugs on a silver plate
If I thought it would help you get away
I hope that you would do this for me

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