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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 01:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:54

As a tourism proct, cultural tourism is attacting developers and tourists's attention increasingly. The concept of "Context" ,having been introced to tourism development in recent years, was accepted by people as a leading role in cultural tourism development. however, it needs further research and discussion on how to definite it , illuminate its profound connotation, shape a tourism brand and combine tourism development and market demand into dynamic integration.

Zengcheng, As one of important representative places of Lingnan culture, has rich cultural deposits and excellent ecological resources. it is necessary to renew some scenic spots of histoirc culture value by utilizing Zengcheng's cultural context to build a whole tourism brand of Ho Hsien-Ku. Integrating resources on
Zengcheng's historical and rich cultural deposits, will definitely create a market of "Come here for Tour" and promote the rapid and healthy development of Zengcheng's tourism.

呵呵, 本人英语能力也低微,自己翻译的,希望能给你一点点帮助。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:54

Cultural tourism as a tourism proct developers and tourists have become an increasing attention, especially in tourism development in recent years, the concept of "contextual" concept, in the cultural tourism development in which people have recognized the soul of its status, but how to It is defined, how to explain its profound meaning and how to use their opportunities to shape tourism brand, tourism development and market demand will combine both the need for further research and exploration.
Zengcheng as a representative of Lingnan culture, one of the important and has profound cultural foundation and excellent ecological resources. The use of contextual Zengcheng tourism, construction, culture and the overall tourism brand Zengcheng Hsien Ku, selective restore, rebuild some historical and cultural value, scenic spots. Around the Zengcheng ancient and profound cultural heritage resource integration, to create a group of "come here must Tour" of tourism procts and promote tourism Zengcheng rapid and healthy development.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:55

Cultural tourism as a tourism proct developers and tourists increasingly attention, particularly in the tourism development in recent years the concept of "context" of the concept of cultural tourism development in the recognition that people are the soul of its status, but how it is defined, the interpretation of its profound meaning and how to use the shape tourism brand, tourism development and market demand will combine all need further study and explore.
Zengcheng as a representative of Lingnan culture, one of the important and has profound cultural foundation and excellent ecological resources. Using Zengcheng tourism context, the overall construction of Zengcheng Xiangu cultural tourism brand, has chosen to restore and rebuild some historical and cultural value of the scenic spots. Zengcheng around the ancient and rich cultural heritage resource integration, create a group "to this must-" of tourism procts and promote tourism Zengcheng rapid and healthy development.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 23:55

Cultural tourism as a tourism proct developers and tourists have become an increasing attention, especially in tourism development in recent years, the concept of "contextual" concept, in the cultural tourism development in which people have recognized the soul of its status, but how to It is defined, how to explain its profound meaning and how to use their opportunities to shape tourism brand, tourism development and market demand will combine both the need for further research and exploration.

Zengcheng as a representative of Lingnan culture, one of the important and has profound cultural foundation and excellent ecological resources. The use of contextual Zengcheng tourism, construction, culture and the overall tourism brand Zengcheng Hsien Ku, selective restore, rebuild some historical and cultural value, scenic spots. Around the Zengcheng ancient and profound cultural heritage resource integration, to create a group of "come here must Tour" of tourism procts and promote tourism Zengcheng rapid and healthy development
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