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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-22 12:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 11:46


热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 11:46

Income proof
This proved Comrade Liang Anwei, on May 3, 1957 fresh person,75 years enter the Our bureau to work, in the Our bureau let thesection member, until now in office,
Yearly income: The land ten thousand eight thousand landhundred land ascend four Yuan,
The personal income tax by this company according to thecountry had stipulated the unification generation of buckle generationgives.

Specially proved

Dongliao County tobacco monopoly bureau
Two OO seven years on December 10

Income proof
This proved Comrade Kang Hua, in April, 1977 entered my unitwork, was appointed store manager in my unit subordinate store a ty,the primary cognizance store whole operation, enters the ty untilnow to work obtains the affirmation, the yearly income is: The landten thousand dyes thousand two hundred Yuan
The personal income tax by this company according to thecountry had stipulated the unification generation of buckle generationgives.
Specially proved

Liaoyuan unifies 日杂 the limited liability company
Two OO seven years on December 14

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 11:47

Income Statement

I hereby certify that Mr. An-wei Liang, born May 3, 1957, has been employed by this bureau since 1957. Mr. Liang is a clerk at the bureau and is currently employed. His annual salary is Renminbi sixty eight thousand six hundred and sixty four yuans even (CNY68,664.00), net of all income taxes, which has been paid to the government by the bureau on his behalf.

The Bureau of Tabacco Concessions
County of Dongliao
December 10, 2007


Income Statement

I hereby certify that Ms. Hua Kong, has been employed by this company since April 1977. Ms. Kang is a store manager at a store own by the company and is in charge of the store's operation. She has had outstanding performance. Her annual salary is Renminbi sixty seven thousand and two hundred yuans even (CNY67,200.00), net of all income taxes, which has been paid to the government by the the company on her behalf.

Liaoyuan Union Convenience Store Company, Ltd
December 14, 2007
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