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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-27 02:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 09:50

In today's society, alt ecation more fiery. The participants have many elite university graates and highly ecated personnel. As a university student, took the school does not mean the end of ecation.
At present, we accept the universities alone is the most basic professional and theoretical ecation. And so we embark on jobs will find these knowledge is not enough.
First, a system of knowledge very quickly updated, new achievements in various fields, all universities will have a knowledge of the obsolete, in order to keep their backward, but the ADULT EDUCATION.
Secondly, many students after graation is not the occupations of their own learning by the University of Courses. Only through ADULT EDUCATION expertise to remedy the shortcomings, in order to better support his work.
Furthermore, the workplace is becoming more competitive, more knowledge means better jobs, only by continuing to add more nutrition ecation, more skill growth in order to find jobs or better jobs.
As a medical student, I am more aware of the continuing ecation of our importance, when I walk out of school, away from a good surgeon of the road is still quite remote, the future only through the alt ecation, life-long ecation, continuous practice, and continuous learning and study, we can be 10% likely for an outstanding doctor, in order to better services for patients.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 09:50

nowaday,the alt-ecation is becoming more and more popular in society.The menbers also include the students who graated from famous college. Act
as a college student,going out of college is not the end of ecation.
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