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karyological造句 karyologicalの例文 "karyological"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-25 22:32



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 21:15

The southern and northern Dolly Varden also have clear karyological differences.

Using this karyological data, relationships beeen " Alpum rouyi " and alped species were discussed.

The karyological data of Schmutz and Opphant provided early scientific evidence of the unexpectedly close relationship beeen the peregrine and prairie falcons.

A molecular phylogeny based on the mitochondrial gene coding for cytochrome b bined to karyological evidence actually suggests that " Chaetomys " is more closely related to the Erethizontidae than to the Echimyidae, although it branches as the sister group to the rest of the Erethizontidae.

Bauer studied Biology at the University of T黚ingen ring the 1970s, and a particular interest in plants and fungi led to pleting his PhD there in 1983 with a doctoral dissertation entitled " " ( " Experimental-ontogeic and karyological studies on Uredinales " ).

Genus " Chaetomys ", distinguished by the shape of its skull and the greater plexity of its teeth, contains karyological evidence actually suggests the bristle-spined rat is more closely related to the Erethizontidae than to the Echimyidae, and is the sister group of all other Erethizontidae.

It's difficult to find karyological in a sentence. 用 karyological 造句挺难的

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