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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-14 16:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 13:58

household colour design
Name: student id: teacher:
Abstract: in the design of indoor colour is the important factor that can not be neglected in space can proce different colors of the different function and visual enjoyment of life, every household space, need not the atmosphere is different also, and so on and coloring according to its space environment, but the whole house whole color should be harmonious and unified, colour can stimulate our nerves affect our mood, for our living environment plays an irreplaceable role. Today's fast-paced, we also request to the changes in color, but is forever.
Key words: the purity of lightness cool warm atmosphere complementary colors

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 13:58

2000c household colour design
Name: student id: teacher:
Abstract: in the design of indoor colour is the important factor that can not be neglected in space can proce different colors of the different function and visual enjoyment of life, every household space, need not the atmosphere is different also, and so on and coloring according to its space environment, but the whole house whole color should be harmonious and unified, colour can stimulate our nerves affect our mood, for our living environment plays an irreplaceable role. Today's fast-paced, we also request to the changes in color, but is forever.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 13:58

household colour design
Name: student id: teacher:
Abstract: in the design of indoor colour is the important factor that can not be neglected in space can proce different colors of the different function and visual enjoyment of life, every household space, need not the atmosphere is different also, and so on and coloring according to its space environment, but the whole house whole color should be harmonious and unified, colour can stimulate our nerves affect our mood, for our living environment plays an irreplaceable role. Today's fast-paced, we also request to the changes in color, but is forever.
Key words: the purity of lightness cool warm atmosphere complementary colors

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 13:58

2000c household colour design
Name: student id: teacher:
Abstract: in the design of indoor colour is the important factor that can not be neglected in space can proce different colors of the different function and visual enjoyment of life, every household space, need not the atmosphere is different also, and so on and coloring according to its space environment, but the whole house whole color should be harmonious and unified, colour can stimulate our nerves affect our mood, for our living environment plays an irreplaceable role. Today's fast-paced, we also request to the changes in color, but is forever.
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