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电影Before We Go (剧透)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-11 13:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 00:41

"Before We Go"拍摄于超爱的"美国队长2冬日战士"之后,是一部美国队长(Chris Evans)自导自演的电影。
抛开唯美剧情我觉的这片主要突出一个Captain的帅,这是一种充满正义感、同情心、幽默机智的帅气! 片中Captain 被吐槽而苦笑的样子,皱起眉头苦笑的样子, 摇头苦笑的样子, 充满爱意摇头微笑的样子, 叹着气说"Oh..God.."(下定决心做某事时)的样子。。都让人着迷!

女主Brooke: 女主角钱包(所有物品都在其中)被偷,只剩车票赶到*车站的时候错过了最后一班火车, 询问工作人员后沮丧离开。。她在这个城市没有朋友可帮忙并且因为某些原因必须明天8点前赶回家。。
男主Captain(角色名Nick): Captain在*车站里练习演奏小号,为明天在另一个城市的重要试镜做准备,因为某些原因驻留在车站,捡起了她赶车奔跑时掉落到身边并摔坏的手机,看到了Brooke赶不上火车和她所遇到的问题。。

Brooke: I'm sure my husband will really appreciate you helping me and it's incredibly generous of you.
Captain: You really don't have to do that.
Brooke: What?
Captain: The husband thing.

(不敢告诉对方真名, 直到前往赃物贩子门口Brooke对Captain描述丢失的钱包时漏了馅:)
Captain: Anything specific about the bag?
Brooke: On the inside flap, are the initials B.D. in kid's handwriting.
Captain: Why B.D.?
Brooke: My stepson wrote it... My name is Brooke, Brooke Dalton.
Captain: Oh, my God! Why'd you tell me it was Carrie Bradshaw.
Brooke: I don't know! (just thought)Carrie Bradshaw! We're in New York, it's late, you're a stranger -- I froze.
Captain: When I get back, we really got to work on our communication, Brooke.
Brooke: You're gonna grab and run, don't you?
Captain: Uh.. I don't know. It's exciting though, isn't it? Go.

(Brooke 暂时解决了私人问题,然而Captain建议一起到安全的地方转转决定不参加婚礼了, 因为想见的女生(六年前遗憾分手的, 再也没见过)带了男伴参加婚礼,Brooke 开导和鼓励他不要放弃:)
Brooke: Wow, it can't be that bad.
Has it got something to do with the ex, Hannah?
Cause I'm happy to offer my services. I'm all dressed up, nowhere to go.
Captain: It's okay. It's late.
Brooke: I think you're underestimating me.
I would make a great bodyguard or spiritual advisor.
Captain: She's there with someone.
Brooke: I see.
I mean, you helped me, that makes you kind of a... hero(前文引用)
And heros are not afraid to face their exes.
Don't worry, I'll come. We can pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
That'll make her jealous.
Captain: No. She'll know you're not my type.
Brooke: Oh, my god. I just brainstorming.. Maybe she'll think I changed you. That will drive her crazy.
Will you, Nick Vaughn.. be my.. Brooke Dalton's pretend boyfriend?
Captain 摇头苦笑: man..

Captain: It's funny. I got to the city at noon and I just couldn't leave the station. I just couldn't it..
Brooke: I'm sorry.
Captain: For what?
Brooke: For letting you sit out here and talk about it for so long and not making you go back.
Captain(起身苦笑): Oh, No. that's not happening.
Brooke: You don't come over to New York for a sign(前文引用) to do nothing.
Captain: Well, I though she'll be alone. Not like in a depressing way, In like a romantic way.
Brooke: A girl like that is never alone. You can't use that for an excuse.
There was something between you. You saw it and I saw it.
Captain: That doean't mean anything.
Brooke: I mean something. It means you have a chance.
And you don't know the odds. Could be one in a trillion, could be one in two.
Anyway this is about regret. And those odds are always 100%.
There was a spark(when they met in the bar previously), Nick.
And the guy she's with? Cole? I've seen that guy all my life. You're worth a thousand Coles.
Captain: What happens to a trillions(in one)?
Brooke: He was tall. She might not even be with him. She said, 'I' am staying at the Soho Grand.
You're not gonna ask her to marry you.
Captain: What if I ask her to get married by mistake?
God. Why is that any one decision always seems too small to be the biggest decision of your life?
Brooke: I don't know. But sometimes you have to just make the choice and jump.
Captain: You're right. You're right.
Captain: I'll do it. Oh... God..

(Captain回到酒吧再次找到女生交谈, Brooke再酒吧门口台阶等待,一段时间后Captain再次匆匆走出酒吧:)
Brooke: So?
Captain: We're going to lunch tomorrow.
Brooke: See?
Captain: The three of us.
B: She invited that guy?
C: Of course not.
B: She invited me?
C: Nope.
B: Nick, will you stop and talk to me?
C: She's pregnent.
But it's good, though, you know why?
You know what she said?
She said she's happy I'm auditioning for Duke. Cause she always believed in me.
B: I'm so sorry.
C: Sorry you're an idiot?
Well, me too.
B: Are you okay?
Well, because if you're not, I really don't know.
C: Well I'm miserable.
That's probably the most okay I've been since she's left.
Cause at least I know something concret, you know? Instead of having years of fantasies.. and possibilities..
I know it's over.
So... thank you for that.
B: Okay, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
C: She said she's never been so happy.
But I guess I got to be grown up. Got to be okay with not being okay, which completely sucks.
So, than you for that too.
B: Well.. what do you want to do now?
We've covered every curcial topics in our lives, what's left?
C: ..Small talk.. Come on!
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