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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-12 20:57



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:30

Friends I when you a second friends
Friends I when you I friends
Strange past wretched again
She always actually and Burma
Friends you tried to rescue me
Friends you tried to I interrogates
Can't you again with the heart
After all, a best friend a rare loss
Once upon a time of wine then
Pour all night long enough
I have the time you have
Many things in this life only to give you
Conservative to forever
Others how to understand through
Truly, truly I stepped into the universe
Even if there is a split to get along
Fate decided after the can't JuTou
But said it was so thick
Ask me to have really have not
Always avoid excuse what the DaQiu
Why old friends in the final
Become less than the old ones
Do not know you are my enemy or friend already can't look through
Be pushed flow with life
Next year the strange
Yesterday is most close of so-and-so
Life and death in the day do not know very few
To you to sleep is not the rebels
Much like a day each other not investigated
Phase invite drink again
Stay grapes ripen through
But fate into the face every encounter
Go to a crossroads
Is the enemy and are friends their is no free
Position change each has his teammates
Ask me to have really have not
Always avoid excuse what the DaQiu
Why old friends in the final
Become less than the old ones
Do not know you are my enemy or friend already can't look through
Be pushed flow with life
Next year the strange
Yesterday is most close of so-and-so
Early know after dissolution have their own fortune as a guide
It's strange in accepting the have their own way
But no one like you let me carry the tears flow
Serious like lovers speak to break up
Is there really no
Always avoid excuse what the DaQiu
Why old friends in the final
Become less than the old ones
Do not know you and miss this have the old ones
Or would have wanted to fully
Next year the strange is yesterday most close of so-and-so
In that day I didn't always good
Have to encounter so-and-so

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 20:30

Friends I when you a second friends
Friends I when you I friends
Strange past wretched again
She always actually and Burma
Friends you tried to rescue me
Friends you tried to I interrogates
Can't you again with the heart
After all, a best friend a rare loss
Once upon a time of wine then
Pour all night long enough
I have the time you have
Many things in this life only to give you
Conservative to forever
Others how to understand through
Truly, truly I stepped into the universe
Even if there is a split to get along
Fate decided after the can't JuTou
But said it was so thick
Ask me to have really have not
Always avoid excuse ?
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