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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-07 01:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 08:10

Language and culture are closely related,different cultures,different rules of language use.But e to the lack of sensitivity to the social language of this difference,often unconsciously standard specification for a kind of culture,to explain the description of another culture,is the result of many cross-cultural munication problems.This article from the perspective of language munication,the problem of Sino-German intercultural munication *** ysis.The same word in different cultures,may the same basic concepts,but not necessarily the same social meaning.Therefore,these words in cross-cultural munication,it is easy to cause misunderstanding.For the German will be Chinese,prone to interference by other language to English,only according to the basic concept and shape similarity,we equate the two kinds of social language meaning different word.In cross-cultural munication is especially important for those with different social meaning of the word,and as much as possible from the other side of the expressions derived its real connotation.Speech is the act,the speech act may implement some behavioral objective.Even in the mother tongue,will be very difficult to determine the purpose and behavior in specific scenes in implementations of the relationship,in cross-cultural munication is more plex.For example:yesterday after the sports programs,why didn't you e back?This sentence of intercultural munication in German,only through careful *** ysis of verbal and nonverbal information,in order to respond accordingly,defend or apology behavior.The difficulty of speech acts in cross-cultural munication is a greater promise.As a kind of words,I'll have a look,what can I do.In German) is essentially a promise,and in the Chinese language is to see the specific scene,can be said of himself,also can be to a certain extent,but is unlikely to achieve.One of the difficulties in formal invitation and distinguish the kind words is a Sino-German intercultural munication.For example,there have been a Chinese female,visiting friends in Germany,they are aware of the previous business dealings,have long time no see.Conversation among the Germans to invite her to dinner,she was delighted,and politely said:"no,no,I ask you to eat." Results the voice just fell,the Germans immediately happily agreed,after a few seconds she was surprised to find himself on the night of the host,because the Germans put her kind words as a formal invitation.
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