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open 的比较常用的方法~~

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 22:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 04:22

a.开着的 v.开; 打开 形容词 adj. 开着的
not closed, so that people or things can go in and out
· Leave the windows open,so that fresh air can come into the room.
· He looked at me with open eyes.
· The captain tore open the boy's shirt.

形容词 adj. 开阔的;空旷的
not enclosed
· An open sea appeared before us.

形容词 adj. 无封口的;开口的
not closed,so that you can look in
· This is an open box.

形容词 adj. 在营业的
ready for business
· You can't get any money because the banks aren't open.
· When is the post office open?

形容词 adj. 无遮盖的
not covered
· This is an open market.

形容词 adj. 公开的;开放的
not for a special group
· The competition is open to all children.
· The museum is open to the public.

形容词 adj. 开放的;伸展的
spread out,extended
· The flowers were all open.
· Birds fly with the wings open.
· He showed me a small jewel on his open hand.

形容词 adj. 未填满的;空缺的
not filled or engaged
· Is the position still open?

形容词 adj. 坦率的;坦诚的
· She is a very friendly,open person.

形容词 adj. 未决定的
not yet decided
· This is an open question.

动词 v. 打开
unfasten something so that people or things can go in,out,or through it
· Let's open the window to let in some fresh air.
· He opened the door so that I could come in.
· I opened the door for the ladies to pass.

动词 v. 掀开;张开
move so that you can see inside,underneath.etc,
· He hasn't opened the letter yet.
· The baby's mouth opened and it began to cry.
· Please open the bottle for me!

动词 v. 展开;松开
unfold something
· The flowers are opening.
· Open your hand and let me see what you have in it.

动词 v. 开始
begin, start to happen
· The meeting will open at 8 o'clock.
· The meeting opened on April lst.

动词 v. 使开始;开张
say that something can begin or is ready
· The governor opened the new hospital.
· With their help we opened a small bookshop.

不可数名词 n.[U] 室外;露天
· They can give a show out in the open within minutes after their arrival.

open fire open into
open on open on to
open out open to
open... to traffic open up
open the way to (for) open with
an open air life an open boat
an open carriage the open country
open letter an open river
an open road open secret
in the open fields keep open house
in the open air with open arms
with open hands open and shut
vt. 开始
begin establish initiate launch originate start unfold

vt. 使露出,使显露
bare clear disclose expansive expose flagrant frank free reveal reveal show single straight straightforward straightforward susceptible uncover unfasten

adj. 欺骗性的;关闭的;无懈可击的
closed deceptive invulnerable

v. 关闭
close shut

n. 刀*不入

open fire open into
open on open on to
open out open to
open... to traffic open up
open the way to (for) open with
an open air life an open boat
an open carriage the open country
open letter an open river
an open road open secret
in the open fields keep open house
in the open air with open arms
with open hands open and shut
vt. 开始
begin establish initiate launch originate start unfold

vt. 使露出,使显露
bare clear disclose expansive expose flagrant frank free reveal reveal show single straight straightforward straightforward susceptible uncover unfasten

adj. 欺骗性的;关闭的;无懈可击的
closed deceptive invulnerable

v. 关闭
close shut

n. 刀*不入

open fire open into
open on open on to
open out open to
open... to traffic open up
open the way to (for) open with
an open air life an open boat
an open carriage the open country
open letter an open river
an open road open secret
in the open fields keep open house
in the open air with open arms
with open hands open and shut
vt. 开始
begin establish initiate launch originate start unfold

vt. 使露出,使显露
bare clear disclose expansive expose flagrant frank free reveal reveal show single straight straightforward straightforward susceptible uncover unfasten

adj. 欺骗性的;关闭的;无懈可击的
closed deceptive invulnerable

v. 关闭
close shut

n. 刀*不入

open fire open into
open on open on to
open out open to
open... to traffic open up
open the way to (for) open with
an open air life an open boat
an open carriage the open country
open letter an open river
an open road open secret
in the open fields keep open house
in the open air with open arms
with open hands open and shut
vt. 开始
begin establish initiate launch originate start unfold

vt. 使露出,使显露
bare clear disclose expansive expose flagrant frank free reveal reveal show single straight straightforward straightforward susceptible uncover unfasten

adj. 欺骗性的;关闭的;无懈可击的
closed deceptive invulnerable

v. 关闭
close shut

n. 刀*不入
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