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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 07:40



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 23:39

Montage a Word from French, intention is an architectural term, means, and Assembly. Borrowing in the art of film and television, clips and organic combination of, that is, in the creation of film and television arts, as the procer and Director of the full concept, different scenes, different content, dispersion lenses of different length screen, organic grouped together according to certain rules, so as to constitute a complete and reflect the intent of the entire creative work from work. The art or technique called montage.Film montage of sprouting in France lumiaier brothers and a short film. At the same time Meria Cinderella movie montage also contributed to the development of. But they do not know how the lens can be cut in one scene, shooting is always a fixed viewpoint. Then an important figure of the school of bolien simishi based on story development needs to take a different view of the lens, and put them together. This is the real birth of montage in the movie. Simishi is also as the true inventor of montage. For a montage which made a decisive step in the development was United States directors Griffith. He learned and summarize the experience of parties or indivial directors, make a qualitative leap in the development of montage. But montage theory really established the Soviet montage School Director aisensitan and Pudovkin's hands to complete. They absorb the best parts of Griffith, who greatly developed the theory of montage, and taken out of the Battleship Potemkin, mothers, a series of classic movies, is a montage has entered a new stage, montage theory really established.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 23:40

Montage is a word from the French, meaning is an architectural term, meaning, assembly. Borrow to film and television art, but a clip with organic combination, namely in the film and television art, as the procer and director of the complete conception, the different landscape, different content, different length dispersion lens picture, according to certain rules are organically combined together, thus forming a complete, and can from embodied in the works of all creation intention works. The art or technique of expression method called montage.

Movie Montage originated from France Lumiere brothers in a short film. At the same time bioMerieux Cinderella in such films as well as montage, contributed to the development of. But they don't know in one scene lens can be cut, always using a fixed viewpoint. Later Breton school is an important figure Simishi stories based on the need of the development of photography of different landscape lens, and put them together. This is truly the birth of film montage. Simishi also was regarded as the true inventor of montage. To make a decisive step in the development of montage is the United States of America director Griffith. He learned and summarize the various factions or director's experience, the montage of the development has been a qualitative leap. But the real establishment of montage theory to Soviet montage school director Eisenstein and Pudovkin's hands is completed. They absorb Griffith's essence, which greatly developed theory of montage, and take out the battleship Potemkin" mother", a series of classic films, is a montage has entered a new stage, then truly established theory of montage.
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