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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:57



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 21:53

Gu courtesy of the five principles as follows:

1 demoted others who respect the criteria

Courtesy of the largest Chinese-style characterized by "self-criticism" and "shy." Down the criteria that the person has respect for themselves or with their own things related to "derogatory" and "him"; on the listener or listeners associated with the things to "give" and "respect."

2 referred to the criteria

Courtesy of modern behavior to some extent, still follow a "top to bottom there is justice, who as high or low, seniority" principle. Salutation between people represent a social relationship, often referred to the phrase means that the change in the relationship between people change.

3 refined criteria

Ya-Yan refined selection criteria that is, disable offensive language; more tactful, less outspoken. Need to use euphemisms such areas as death, sexuality, excretion, an incurable disease, body shape, appearance, lower vocational, and other offenses, if they say rude things vulgar.

4 Germany, and made, the criteria

Germany, a statement, the guidelines refer to acts of courtesy on the motivation to minimize the cost to others, try to increase the benefits of others; in words, as far as possible to exaggerate the benefits of other people on their own, as far as possible that the small price they pay.

5 for the same criteria

Communication refers to the same criteria for the two sides seek to harmonize many aspects, the desire to meet each other. When forced to criticize others or express different opinions, people often "before resorting to force, after the first favorable depreciation."
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