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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-20 19:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:52

Teach you how to learn English well. English is to drill in to learn! English has the following several points is the need to keep in mind: A grammatical knowledge, English class , listen to the teacher, when you have wr itten down, after class, take the initiative to ask the teacher. Must make it clear, t here is little doubt not. Two English words, we must bear in min d its pronunciation, spelling, meaning, p art of speech, in different grammatical p art of speech, there are words in the pas t tense, future tense. Three is the English phrases, memorizin g. Only memorize English words, can be faster and more accurate completion of choice, and can make writing write bette r. Some students may correspond to a h ave no interest, do not even want to lear n this subject. As the saying goes " inter est to unlock the doors of knowledge ", we can let you have the interest to engli sh! For example: listen to some English songs, watch some foreign movies, liste n to English oral practice ( might be a bit boring ), seize the opportunity to activel y, bold practice speaking English, throu gh the practice of mastering the English expression ... ... Let yourself be interested in English ther e is a want to study, learn it harder, so, n aturally can learn to learn english! I sincerely hope you can relax, happy to learn English well.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:52

Nowadys,english becomes more and more important to us.But how to study english is a diffcult question.Here I will give you guys some suggestions about it.First,you can improve your english by watching american TV,such as<<friends>>.It's a good TV to english scholars beacuse the sentences are very simple.Second,you can listen to some english music,maybe you don't understand the lyric,but it also be helpful to you.Third,read and write as much as you can,just try to express yourself by english all the time.These are just some simple advices.I am sure you will know other more effective way to study english.Hope it's helpful to you,thank you!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 21:53

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