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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-18 13:42



热心网友 时间:2024-04-30 16:45

Training is a systemic project, which is guided by principle and tested and perfected by practice. According to its intrinsic property, one can find risk factors, in order to analyse facts and causes, come out with Find out the precautionary measures, carry on network analysis on this basis , highly know the training again from another theory, this is undoubtedly extremely important to improvement of the training level of our country and development of the training undertaking.

This text proceeds from angle of risk analysis , accord with the main purpose and meaning that train, in is it train systematic foundation of procere to study, management after manage , train in course in the preparation , training before training come risk might proced to analyse three period of stage, and analyse the reason why the risk proces on this basis , and then direct against the reason of training risk proction, draw and strengthen and keep a lookout from systematic procere angle that trains, and has set out and expounded the fact that takes precautions against the consciousness angle from the risk from macroscopic, the angle that incentive mechanism angle , corresponding tied mechanism angle and corporate culture support strengthens the risk of training and keeps a lookout. The main meaning in which this text studies lies in that passing will carry on further theory analysis and discussion to the risk of staffs training and strick precaution, guide a trainer in the social work activity of training the risk and strick precaution respect, the risk of improving the trainer takes precautions against consciousness, lead the trainer to set up a whole set of risks and take precautions against the mechanism according to one's own reality, thus the theoretical system that the risk of perfecting the whole society controls.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-30 16:45

Jste now I see that my English is very poor Maybe somedays later I can answer your question
But now I noly can say sorry

热心网友 时间:2024-04-30 16:46

This is a rather difficulty issue,
thank Q!

热心网友 时间:2024-04-30 16:46

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