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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-19 11:49



热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 11:46

China has eight branches : Sucai, Fujian, Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Hunan, Zhecai, Huizhou Cuisine.

苏菜,即江苏风味菜。Sucai, Jiangsu flavor dishes. 江苏菜的主要特点是:选料严谨,制作精致,口味适中,四季分明。The main features are : Jiangsu dishes stringent election materials, the proction of refined taste moderate, and four distinct seasons. 在烹调技术上擅长炖焖、烩、窝、烧、炒、又重视调汤,保持原汁,风味清鲜,适应面广,浓而不腻、淡而不薄,酥烂脱骨,滑嫩爽脆。Simmer technically adept at cooking stewing, concoction, Waterloo, burn, fry, but also to transfer soup to maintain juice flavor refreshing, wide adaptability. Concentrated without ever desalination without foundation, Sulan off the bone, guests Shuangcui.

福建位于我国东南部,东临大海,西北负山,气候温和,山珍野味,水产资源十分丰富。Fujian Province in southeast China, to the east by the sea, the Northwest negative mountains, a mild climate, Edible Game, very rich aquatic resources. 福州菜清鲜,淡爽,偏于甜酸。Fuzhou-fresh vegetables, Light, Sweet and merged. 尤其讲究调汤,汤鲜、味美,汤菜品种多,具有传统特色。In particular, pay attention to transfer soup style, delicious, soup varieties, with the traditional characteristics.

川菜素来享有"一菜一格,百菜百味"的声誉。Sichuan has always enjoyed a reputation as a "one dish a big hundred dishes Baiweixiang" reputation. 川菜在烹调方法上,有炒、煎、干烧、炸、熏、泡、炖、焖、烩、贴、爆等三十八种之多。Sichuan cooking methods, speculation, fried, the ingredients bombing smoked, and soaked, cooked in a little, concoction, stickers, such as 38 kinds of explosives. 在口味上特别讲究色、香、味、形、兼有南北之长,以味的多、广、厚著称。Pay attention to the tastes of a particular color, fragrant flavor, shape, both north and south the length of flavor to the more widely, Hau says. 历来有"七味"、“八滋”之说。Always "Qiweizhu", "eight of AIDS," said.

鲁菜是我国最早的地方风味菜。My first taste of the local cuisine is served. 古齐鲁为孔、孟故乡,自古以来是我国文化发祥地之一。Qilu hole to Cuba, Bangladesh hometown, the birthplace of one of our culture since ancient times. 山东菜系是由济南和胶东两个地方清、鲜、脆、嫩著称。Shandong Jinan and Shandong two local branches is clear, fresh crisp and tender says.

粤菜历来以选料广博,菜肴新颖奇异而冠于全国,故有"食在广州"之称,名扬四海。Guangdong has extensive election materials, singular and innovative dishes in the national crown, it is "food in Guangzhou," said Famous. 粤菜的主要特点在烹调上以炒、烩、煎烤、局著称,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑、口味上以生,脆、鲜、淡为主。Cantonese cuisine prepared by the main features in speculation, concoction, Jiankao Bureau known about Korea, tender, generous, slide, and tastes of Health. crisp, fresh, mainly short. 曾有"五滋"、“六味”之说。Had "five AIDS", "Liu Wei," said.

湘菜,是我国历史悠久的一个地方风味菜。Hunan, China has a long history of a local flavor dishes. 湘菜特别讲究调味,尤重酸辣、咸香、清香、浓鲜。Restaurant particular care seasoning, hot and sour especially important, Xianxiang, incense, thick fresh. 夏天炎热,其味重清淡、香鲜。Hot summer, its strong flavor was light, fresh incense. 冬天湿冷,味重热辣、浓鲜。Winter damp and cool, strong flavor and hot, thick fresh.

浙江地处我国东海之滨,素称鱼米之乡,特产丰富,盛产山珍海味和各种鱼类。Zhejiang Province is situated in the coast of the East China Sea, called the breadbasket of factors that proce rich, and to defend against guided fish abound. 浙江菜是以杭州、宁波、绍兴和温州四种风味为代表的地方菜系。Hangzhou, Zhejiang cuisine is, Ningbo, Wenzhou and Shaoxing, representing the four branches of flavor.

徽菜,又名皖菜。Huizhou Cuisine, also known as Anhui dishes. 皖南徽菜是安徽菜的主要代表,它起源于黄山麓下的歙县(古徽州)。Wannan Huizhou Cuisine dishes is the main representative of Anhui, which originated in the foothills of the Huang Collection (ancient Huizhou). 徽菜以烹制山珍野味而著称。Edible Game Huizhou Cuisine is known to offer. 安徽菜的主要特点:烹调方法上擅长烧、炖、蒸,而爆、炒菜少,重油、重色,重火功。Anhui dishes on the main characteristics : good cooking baked, stewed, steamed, and the explosion of sauce less heavy oil, heavy color, heavy fire success.
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