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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-19 11:51



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 14:59

1. How much is this? / How much are these?
2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?
3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?
4. I can only speak a little English.
5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.
6. I don't understand what you mean.
7. I only want this one.
8. Could you please take a photo for me?
9. Just press this button, and it's OK.
10. Take a photo of this building.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 15:00

1:How much does this thing cost? /These altogether how much money?
2:This price is a bit expensive. This can be cheaper?
3:Is larger than that of clothes (shoes) it?
4:I can only speak a little English.:
5:Would you please speak a little slower, my English is not very good.
6:I do not quite understand what you are saying.
7:I need this one.
8:Can you help me to take a photo?
9:Pressing this button on it.
10:Take this building.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 15:00

1. How much is this? / these come to?
2. This is a little expensive. This can you make it cheaper?
3. Have bigger than the clothes (shoes)?
4. I only speak a little English.
5. Would you please speak a little more slowly, my English is not so good.
6. I don't quite understand what you are saying.
7. I as long as this one.
8. Can you take my picture?
9. Press this button.
10. Take this building.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 15:01

How much is this thing? / how much are these?
The price is a little expensive. This can be cheaper?
This is a little bigger than the clothing ( shoes )?
I can only speak a little English.
Will you speak more slowly? My English is poor.
I don't understand what you are saying.
I want this one.
Could you take a picture for me?
Press this button.
Take the building.

1. How much is this? / How much are these?2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don...


Wait a minute. I will get a luggage trolley 6.您要的房间恐怕还没完全准备好,您介意等一会吗?I am afraid the room you want isn't ready yet. Would you mind waiting for a while?7.你可以做电梯也可以走楼梯上去。You can either take the lift up or walk upstairs.8.我希望尽快...


1.我可以坐火车,不过坐汽车去会更方便。(convenient)I can go there by train, but it's more convenient to take the bus.2.有这么一个幽默的姑娘当导游,我们的履行相当愉快。(act as)Having such a humorous girl as our tour guide, we had a quite nice journey.3.我们深信他会恢复...





几个英语句子 帮忙翻译一下 要翻译的有感觉!!急!

10.日本海啸,4天后奇迹般的从废墟中救出一个4个月大的婴儿 four days afte Japan seaquake,a four month infant was saved from the ruins miraculously.11.山西太原, 一个僧人超度在身边逝世的陌生人 In Taiyuan Shanxi Province,a buddist is easubg the dead strangers aside.,他的狗在旁静静...


2. John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.3. The driver did not know when he would leave for Shanghai.4. It seemed that he had already knew it.5. The little girl was flying the plane and her heat was beating fast.6. He suggested that we build no ...


my kindergarten picture Has I many friends They eachvery are all good, but also has I that several careful teachers 4. That green background is not very beautiful? In that green also hasgolden yellow Under this beautiful background, the picture effectwhich pats is also good ...


1.My father's favorite sport is running.2.She often goes to see the Peking Opera with friends at the weekend.3.I think Jackie Chan is a great movie star.4.I think our English teachers do not like horror film.5.His sister likes Peking Opera very much and she thinks that ...


1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……)2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 手工翻译如下:Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away.请参考~3、slang on/about food ...

英语一个句子只能有一个动词 一个英语句子不能有两个动词 英语句子一定要有动词吗 英语中一个完整的句子作主语 英语句子可以有几个动词 一个句子有几个动词 一个句子只有一个动词 三个英语句子并列 有两个动词的英语句子
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