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热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 13:34

The Storm
by Theodore Roethke

Against the stone breakwater,
Only an ominous lapping,
While the wind whines overhead,
Coming down from the mountain,
Whistling between the arbors, the winding terraces;
A thin whine of wires, a rattling and flapping of leaves,
And the small street-lamp swinging and slamming against
the lamp pole.
Where have the people gone?
There is one light on the mountain.2
Along the sea-wall, a steady sloshing of the swell,
The waves not yet high, but even,
Coming closer and closer upon each other;
A fine fume of rain driving in from the sea,
Riddling the sand, like a wide spray of buckshot,
The wind from the sea and the wind from the mountain contending,
Flicking the foam from the whitecaps straight upward into the darkness.
A time to go home!--
And a child's dirty shift billows upward out of an alley,
A cat runs from the wind as we do,
Between the whitening trees, up Santa Lucia,
Where the heavy door unlocks,
And our breath comes more easy,--
Then a crack of thunder, and the black rain runs over us, over
The flat-roofed houses, coming down in gusts, beating
The walls, the slatted windows, driving
The last watcher indoors, moving the cardplayers closer
To their cards, their anisette.3
We creep to our bed, and its straw mattress.
We wait; we listen.
The storm lulls off, then redoubles,
Bending the trees half-way down to the ground,
Shaking loose the last wizened oranges in the orchard,
Flattening the limber carnations.
A spider eases himself down from a swaying light-bulb,
Running over the coverlet, down under the iron bedstead.
The bulb goes on and off, weakly.
Water roars into the cistern.
We lie closer on the gritty pillow,
Breathing heavily, hoping--
For the great last leap of the wave over the breakwater,
The flat boom on the beach of the towering sea-swell,
The sudden shudder as the jutting sea-cliff collapses,
And the hurricane drives the dead straw into the living pine-tree.

The Snow Storm
by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,
And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.
The sled and traveler stopped, the courier's feet
Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed
In a tumultuous privacy of storm.
Come see the north wind's masonry.
Out of an unseen quarry evermore
Furnished with tile, the fierce artificer
Curves his white bastions with projected roof
Round every windward stake, or tree, or door.
Speeding, the myriad-handed, his wild work
So fanciful, so savage, nought cares he
For number or proportion. Mockingly,
On coop or kennel he hangs Parian wreaths;
A swan-like form invests the hidden thorn;
Fills up the farmer's lane from wall to wall,
Maugre the farmer's sighs; and, at the gate,
A tapering turret overtops the work.
And when his hours are numbered, and the world
Is all his own, retiring, as he were not,
Leaves, when the sun appears, astonished Art
To mimic in slow structures, stone by stone,
Built in an age, the mad wind's night-work,
The frolic architecture of the snow.

A Storm in the Night
© Jenifer R. Stanley
Lighting comes as a flash of light.
Thunder comes in a boom of might.
The wind howl's like a wolf in the night.
The rain comes down as a roar of fright.
These are the sacred sounds of a stormy night.
They mix together like a Werewolves bite.
They would make a superstitious person die of fright.
These are the sacred sounds of a storm in the night.
Weather Poems - A Storm in the Night - Nature Poems
Water, water everywhere, water all around,
Water in the ocean, water in the ground.
Water in a river, water in a creek,
Water in a faucet with a drip-drip leak!
Water in a fountain, water in a lake,
Water on a flower, as day begins to break.
Water from a waterfall, rushing down from high,
Water from a dark cloud, raining from the sky.
Water boiling hot, water frozen ice,
Water in a blue lagoon, clean and clear and nice.
Water at a fire, gushing through a hose,
Water in a garden, so every flower grows.
Water for the animals swimming in the sea,
Water, water everywhere for you and for me!
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs for Young Learners, Instructor Books
(sung to "It Ain't Gonna' Rain No More, No More")
It is gonna' rain some more, some more,
It is gonna' rain some more!
When drops of water start to pour,
It is gonna' rain some more, some more!
Why do drops of water pour?
Drops of water pour?
The clouds can't hold them anymore,
That's why drops of water pour!
It is gonna' rain some more, some more,
It is gonna' rain some more!
When drops of water start to pour,
It is gonna' rain some more, some more!
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs for Young Learners, Instructor Books
(sung to "There's a Hole in the Bucket")
There's an arc in a rainbow,
So pretty, so pretty,
There's an arc in a rainbow,
With colors you see.
The sun after rain
Makes the colors, the colors.
The sun after rain
Makes the colors you see.
There's red and there's orange
And there's yellow so pretty.
There's red and there's orange
And there's yellow you see.
There's green and there's blue
And there's violet so pretty.
There's green and there's blue
And there's violet you see.
There's an arc in a rainbow,
So pretty, so pretty.
There's an arc in a rainbow,
With colors you see!
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs for Young Learners, Instructor Books
White Snow
The snow is white and clean.
It makes a lovely scene.
It covers cars, and trees, and streets,
and makes the world go "hush."
It looks so very pretty—
until it turns to slush!
by Helen H. Moore
Outside, thunder crashes!
Outside, lightening flashes!
Outside, wild rain lashes!
Inside, we are safe.
Inside, we are warm.
Inside, there is comfort.
Outside, there is STORM!
by Helen H. Moore
Rainbow Paintbox
I can see a rainbow,
see it in the sky, see it when the rain has gone away.
All the colors of the rainbow
in the sky so high,
I can name them all for you today:
Red there is, a rosy red, a red so bright and bonny,
and orange as a tiger lily leaf, so bold and tawny,
yellow as the blazing sun, that gives us all our light,
and green as grass beneath our feet,
blue as the sky so bright.
There's indigo, as dark as night,
and violet like flowers.
These are the colors nature paints
the sky with
after showers.
by Helen H. Moore
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
by Carl Sandburg
Misty-moisty was the morn,
And cloudy was the weather.
There I met an old man,
Dressed all in leather.
Dressed all in leather,
Against the wind and rain.
With a how do you do?
And a how do you do?
And a how do you do, again.
from Bibbilibonty Rigby Literacy 2000 ( has tape & 6 book copies)
Weather is hot,
Weather is cold,
Weather is changing
As the weeks unfold.
Skies are cloudy,
Skies are fair,
Skies are changing
In the air.
It is raining,
It is snowing,
It is windy
With breezes blowing.
Days are foggy,
Days are clear,
Weather is changing
Throughout the year!
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs for Young Learners, Instructor Books
What is fluffy?
What is white?
What can you see
When skies are bright?
What can float?
What brings rain?
What may be higher
Than a bird or plane?
Say it out loud:
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs for Young Learners, Instructor Books
Do you know
What thunder is?
Beyond those clouds
So gray,
A giant's children
Slammed a door,
And skipped around
The sky to play
In quite a
Helter-skelter way.
So when you hear
The thunder, there
Are giant's children in the air.
The Fog Horn
Foggy, foggy, over the water,
foggy, foggy, over the bay,
Foggy, so foggy the boats are like shadows
and how can they find their way?
Far away and over the water
Hear the voice of the f
og horn say
"Whoo-oo-oo, I'm guiding you,
Boats that are out on the bay."
Foggy, foggy, over the water,
Foggy, foggy, over the bay,
And through the fog the boats go slowly
While the fog horn tells them the way.
Edith H. Newlin
from Splishes and Sploshes, Poems to Share, Rigby Literacy 2000 ( has tape and 6 student books)
Dot a dot dot dot a dot dot
Spotting the windowpane.
Spack a spack speck flick a flack fleck
Freckling the windowpane.
A spatter a scatter a wet cat a clatter
A splatter a rumble outside.
Umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella
Bumbershoot barrel of rain.
Slosh a galosh slosh a galosh
Slither and slather and glide
A puddle a jump a puddle a jump
A puddle a jump puddle splosh
A juddle a pump a luddle a mp a
Puddmuddle jump in and slide!
Eve Merriam

Horrible Weather
Staying in bed weather
Cuddling up close weather
Ignoring the world weather
Warm Weather
Go for swim weather
Take a walk weather
Picnic weather
Alison Smith

Sweater Weather

by Lisa Shields

I was chilly with the November breeze,
and it was a courtly thing you did
draping the sweater over my shoulders,
taking care to smooth the wool
with a touch that whispered
that later you would claim the garment,
and the shiver taking it would bring
was something you coveted
with breathless avarice.
“Sweater weather,” you said.
And I am swept like a crisp oak leaf
into a vet and down dream,
where the pillows do not speak
of the warm, the moments large and small
when I nestle near you,
demanding that arms dress me
to close kept comfort.
Arms around my waist,
legs entwined to akimbo,
and my last thought before sweet drowse
is that fall will never come
without you to chase the cold
in the season of sweater weather.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 13:34



  Tell yourself
  as it gets cold and gray falls from the air
  that you will go on
  walking, hearing
  the same tune no matter where
  you find yourself --
  inside the dome of dark
  or under the cracking white
  of the moon´s gaze in a valley of snow.
  Tonight as it gets cold
  tell yourself
  what you know which is nothing
  but the tune your bones play
  as you keep going. And you will be able
  for once to lie down under the small fire
  of winter stars.
  And if it happens that you cannot
  go on or turn back and you find yourself
  where you will be at the end,
  tell yourself
  in that final flowing of cold through your limbs
  that you love what you are.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 13:34

胶原蛋白线双眼皮是不是永久性 双眼皮埋线是蛋白质还是尼龙绳-双眼皮埋线蛋白线多久能吸收 人体输液的“港口”完全植入式输液港 双眼皮宽变窄修复的方法 同心保家庭重疾险靠不靠谱?便宜吗? 做完双眼皮一宽一窄怎么办 喝全脂奶粉对长高有没有什么好处? redmine中“选择一个项目..."下拉列表框中为什么只列出一个项目,我建... 南充市龙门中学实力现在怎样?他的奥赛班是重点班么? 感情中为什么总是不知足呢? 求血溅校园之类的血型游戏。 D.B.库珀介绍的英语文章 第二年车险如何计算 快手极速版页面显示违规*提现,使用摸拟器一般要*多久才能恢复正常一个提现_百度问一问 请问谁有《暮光之城》爱德华在沃尔图里和贝拉自虐的那一段?我找不到。 保险车险第二年怎么算 艾琳·布朗的参演电影 食人海滩 SPLATTER BEACH怎么样 最新第二年车险怎么算 快手上面这个手机玩的模拟越野车是什么游戏啊?大神们帮帮忙。是手机玩的哟,别回复我是gta5了。 台式电脑运行手机模拟运行快手总是蓝屏 平安信用卡在境外消费超限使用了一次,还能使用第二次吗? 平安信用卡刷境外pos几可以提额吗 如果突然收到平安银行申请额度信息,可是本人没有申请过这是怎么回事? 平安银行信用卡提额方法 摩纳哥主要港口有哪些呢?在线等. 卡萨布兰卡是哪里的城市?有关于它的详细介绍吗? 平安银行信用卡可以在境外使用吗? 平安信用卡金卡支持境外消费吗 平安银行信用卡怎么开通境外支付 有没有关于各种天气的诗歌,要英文的,简单一点。 简单的英文诗 国庆节英语小诗歌 - 信息提示 没有许可证开办的幼儿园签订租赁合同有效吗 幼儿园报名房租租赁合同具体有要求么 2018小孩子读幼儿园要不要房屋租赁合同 收取幼儿园租金需缴纳哪些税费? 驾驶证过期换证在哪里办? 奉贤区驾驶证到期了,去哪里更换,需要什么流程 摩托车驾驶证到期了在哪里换证? 驾驶证到期了 换驾驶证去哪里换啊 都需要什么手续 今天杀鸡发现鸡胸脯肉里长了许多白色颗粒状东西,请问是什么?这鸡肉能吃吗?_百度问一问 - 信息提示 从冰箱取出来了一天的鸡胸肉出现了这种白色的一坨一坨的东西是什么?有很多,刚刚不小心被我洗掉了,想知 鸡胸脯肉里有很多白色颗粒,挤开像乳液,这是什么呀这样的鸡肉能吃吗? 鸡胸肉有白色颗粒物是什么东西 吃鸡肉的时候看见鸡胸上有一块凸起,于是剥开皮一看吓了一跳,这是什么玩意像疤一样?有毒吗在线等挺急的 鸡胸肉里面有两个奇怪的东西 鸡胸肉里的白色条状物