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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-09 08:01



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:14

1.I am keen on thanslation so I have the desire to be a excellent professional translator,before which I should well prepare for high competitive power in translation field.I hope to be exchanged to an professinal English translation subject to get a bettle promotion.
2.I have a strong interest in Anglo-Saxon culture .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:14

1、 对翻译有浓厚的兴趣,想成为一名优秀的翻译者,并且做好翻译竞争力大的准备。希望能转到英语翻译专业得到更好的发展。
I am very much interested in translation and becoming a top translator is my ambition. I know that there would be fierce competition in the market, but I am more than ready to take the challenge. I hope that I could get better personal development in transition to the translation major.

2、 对英美文化有浓厚兴趣
English and American cultures facinate me not a little. I want to learn more about them.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:15

1, a keen interest in translation, want to become an excellent translators and translation competence to do great. Hope to get better professional English translation.
2 to American culture and interest 用“有道翻译”啊!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:16

For one thing, I feel quite an attachment for translation, wanting to be an excellent interpreter or translater, being ready for intense competition.Consequently, I must admit I would like an opportunity --learning English translation, inspiring my development.
For another thing, I am very fond of English culture.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:16

1st, has the strong interest to the translation, wants to become an outstanding translator, and makes the translation competitive power big preparation. The hope can change to English translation specialized to obtain a better development. 2, has strong interest to the UK-US culture

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 08:17

单位高温防护欠缺致员工中暑如何对待 狗狗为什么爱看视频 360浏览器怎么设置倍速播放 ...先讲女主的灵魂飘荡了一段时间,然后重生,请问是那本? 拯救者散热器怎么开 电脑如何一键还原系统电脑一键还原怎么操作 神舟笔记本电脑怎么重新设置神舟战神bios恢复出厂设置 神舟电脑恢复出厂设置神舟战神怎么恢复原厂系统 水泥楼梯如何铺木楼梯 家里面楼梯是水泥的不想铺地毯或者地砖还能铺什么 昆明鑫益地产龙江雅苑车位产权问题 昆明龙江雅苑什么档次 indesign 的画布中中怎么关闭绿色的方形小框?? 半自动灌装机的设备功能 《绝情王爷的弃妃》txt全集下载 称重式液体灌装机的主要功能 遗精算破戒吗?最近老是做不干净的梦我也没看那些东西啊 iphone的搜索为什么有时候可以用语音有时候不行? 《乱臣贼子在坑爹》txt下载在线阅读全文,求 很早以前的片子了很多白衣人跟很多黑衣人打 女情人为我离婚,我该怎么劝她,我又不想和她分 女情人几乎每天给我做,他是不是心里有我 女情人为我离了婚可又背叛了我 女情人说让我在找个,说只能在找个,不能多了,说是为我好,他是不是有别 ... 女情人为我离婚了、我当时对他说、等我一年时间我也离、可是我离婚了... 女情人为我去打胎,说我该如何补偿她,求大家帮我出主意 今女情人说让我在找个,他说是为我好,是真的吗 梦见女情人为我死了 ...一款卡西欧PRW-6000Y-1电波表,但是我不知道如何去设置电波对时... 方正证券现金港存款操作步骤是什么 我导入的indesign怎么都带表格了呢如图 北市区龙江雅苑到昆明站怎么走 从龙江雅苑到昆明理工大学驾车怎么走 请英语好的人帮我翻译 400伏30安电流是多少千瓦 倒烟的烟贩子被抓到会判刑 麻烦英语好的强人帮我翻译一下 康佳智能电视能用无线键盘鼠标吗? 贩烟被抓后当天就要被拘留吗 去西藏有哪十件藏品不可不买? 世龙世家甲丽净使用过程 《黄真伊》 黄真伊这部电影在哪里可以下载? 萤石首饰有收藏价值吗 京东快递为啥没有取件码 晴天小狗的狗种介绍 求辽台春晚《岁月留声机》中的这位演唱者的名字 蝴蝶鲤的鱼鳍被咬烂了,怎么办啊? 荷花花朵有哪些特点 从虎门北栅高速路口到珠海市香洲区界涌工业区怎么走 今晚星光大道杨竹林唱刀郎的歌