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求Dan Bremnes刚出的歌《Where the Light Is》歌词!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-09 16:58



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 19:51

this is me I grew up in church raise on the gospel train in the word had to face such failure thought it was all i needed life hit me hard more than I plan it knock me down like an avalance Show me hint of hopeless, I call you from the darkness God come quickly, Only you can save me.
Will you lead me where the light is.
God be with me, Don't know where Im going, will you lead me where the light.
I'll be living in the dark, I'll be looking for daylight you're my daylight.
God come quickly, Only you can save me.
And lead me where the light is.
There's no hurt, no scars or bruise, Theres not a wound too deep for you.
Cause You're everything you say you are, You're bigger than a broken heart.
So hear me now.
hear me now I'm Calling.
God come quickly, Only you can save me.
Will you lead me where the light is.
God be with me, Don't know where Im going, will you lead me where the light.
I'll be living in the dark, I'll be looking for daylight, you're my daylight.
So God come quickly, Only you can save me.
And lead me where the light is.
Where I'm lost tonight, when I'm losing the fight (lead me where the light is).
When there's tear in my eyes, when the hope are too far (lead me where the light is).
God come quickly, Only you can save me.
Will you lead me where the light is.
God be with me, Don't know where Im going, will you lead me where the light.
I'll be living in the dark, I'll be looking for daylight, you're my daylight.
So God come quickly, Only you can save me.
And lead me where the light is.
And lead me where the light is.
Where I'm lost tonight, when I'm losing the fight (lead me where the light is).
When there's tear in my eyes, when the hope are too far (lead me where the light is)
求Dan Bremnes刚出的歌《Where the Light Is》歌词!

And lead me where the light is.There's no hurt, no scars or bruise, Theres not a wound too deep for you.Cause You're everything you say you are, You're bigger than a broken heart.So hear me now.hear me now I'm Calling.God come quickly, Only you can save me.Will ...

where the light is歌词中文翻译

where is the edge 尽之所在 In the shadows it awakes the desire 黑影中醒觉的渴望 But you know that you can't realize 尽管你明白它的鬼祟 And the pressure will just keep rising 压气渐大 Now the heat is on 煞气升腾 Its too late, there is no way around it 一切都晚了再无法...

the man歌词taylor the ocean歌词 the calling歌曲 the weekend歌曲 therain歌曲 dan the hinh the man taylor the girl原唱歌曲 dan the man下载
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