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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-16 03:45



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 21:34

Consumer electronics procts in different countries have different development level of the connotation of the same countries in different development stages have different connotation.Consumer electronic procts in China that is used for indivials and families and radio, TV related video and audio procts, development prospect.With the continuous development of electronic procts, each manufacturer are increasingly fierce competition, the various procts emerged, variety, large volume, which leads to the understanding of consumer electronic procts a blind spot, don't know how to choose electronic proct, therefore, only electronic proct information, service, buy integration, is the wave of the future.
According to the present situation, proposed solves the question of a feasibility method: using modern unified computer network system, realize the networking of the electronic procts, consumer can on this web site to find all the information, electronic procts, comparing similar procts and to purchase, build dynamic websites using ASP technology, to realize the rapid release of electronic proct information and to accept the dynamic exchange consumer.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 21:34

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