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L bumped my head.

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-14 18:04



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 08:26

L 敲了一下我的头
off ,bed,l,fell,the,bumped,head,and,my,l

I fell off the bed and bumped my head.我从床上摔下来,碰到头了。

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1.Look at me, I need to talk to you!生活中,说look at me,就是指看着我的眼睛了.只有在电影里,有些人物很夸张地说,"Look here, look into my eyes!"2.I bumped my head on the wall just now.刚才头在墙上撞了一下(还是我碰到的,不是头自己去碰.)...


I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!July 27th 2004 Fine This afternoon tow...


I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!July 27th 2004 Fine This afternoon tow...


I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!July 27th 2004 Fine This afternoon tow...


I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!July 27th 2004 Fine This afternoon tow...


I learned a lot.I love the winter holiday. snowAt dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon.A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall quietly.Soon the land before my eyes was ...


I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located the right door and fled the shop, knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day! The thirteenth day of my being in England!July 27th 2004 Fine This afternoon tow...

英语日记20字的22篇 谢谢

I was very much focused looking at the DVDs when I saw in my eyes’ corner that Sandra was already standing outside the door. So without much thinking, I headed for the door. Bang! I bumped my head into the glass window! The embarrassment surpassed the pain. Luckily, I quickly located...



bumpedmyhead i bumped my head bumped his head bumpedhead bump my head 的中文 i head my hurt hurt my knee i hurt my knees falloffthebed
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