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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 21:50

Working from a hidden underground facility, senior technicians
Gary Sitterson and Steve Hadley initiate plans for a mysterious ritual –
reportedly one of several others taking place around the world. Also
present in the break room is specialist Wendy Lin, who discloses that a
similar operation undertaken by their Swedish counterparts has just
ended in failure.

Meanwhile, American college students Dana Polk, Holden McCrea, Marty
Mikalski, Jules Louden, and Curt Vaughan are spending their weekend at a
seemingly deserted cabin in the forest. It soon becomes clear that
Sitterson and Hadley are manipulating this setting from afar, even
intoxicating the teenagers with psychotropic drugs that graally hinder
rational thinking while increasing libido. After the door to the cabin's darkened cellar swings open on its own ring a tipsy game of Truth or Dare, for example, both technicians coerce their charges into investigating the contents within.

The group soon uncovers a plentiful assortment of bizarre articles,
including an old diary once maintained by Patience Buckner, onetime
cabin resident abused by her sadistic family. Dana, who takes an
interest in Patience, subsequently recites incantations from the journal and inadvertently summons the zombified
Buckner clan. Leaving Dana, Holden, and Marty behind with the book,
Curt and Jules retire outside – where Hadley successfully inces them
to have sex. Set upon by marauding Buckners, Jules is decapitated but Curt escapes, sounding the alarm. Marty, a frequent marijuana smoker, becomes justifiably paranoid,
declaring that unseen figureheads have been toying with their crisis.
Locating concealed surveillance equipment, he theorizes that the
predicament may be a gimmick for reality television before being dragged off to be killed by Judah Buckner.

Terrified, Curt, Holden, and Dana attempt escape in their RV,
though Sitterson triggers a tunnel collapse, rendering the highway
impassable. Curt jumps a ravine on his motorcycle in a desperate bid to
reach an adjoining road, but is killed crashing into a camouflaged force shield—apparently erected by the technicians. His demise convinces Dana that Marty's concerns may have been founded.

Veering off the tarmac, the RV plummets into a nearby lake after
Father Buckner surfaces inside and stabs Holden. Dana survives the
impact, but is confronted by Matthew Buckner when she swims ashore. As
he delivers his final blow, the Facility staff celebrate the completion
of their ritual. Sitterson receives a phone call informing him that
Marty is still alive. Rescuing Dana, Marty reveals that he was able to
overpower his assailant upon being taken into an obscured elevator. They
infiltrate the Facility, where a menagerie of monsters are imprisoned. Dana observes a cenobite-like
creature clutching a globe she observed in the cabin's cellar,
indicating that the items there dictate which monster will be unleashed
on its concurrent occupants. She and Marty are cornered by a private
security team, but before they can be captured, manage to release the
monsters, which run rampant throughout and slaughter the Facility's
staff, including Hadley. Sitterson escapes, only to be inadvertently
stabbed by Dana in the lower levels of the building.

Upon entering an underground temple, the two survivors meet the
project Director who explains that every year worldwide rituals commence
to appease malevolent beings identified only as "Ancient Ones" living
beneath the Facility, they are kept in perpetual slumber through an
annual pars pro toto sacrifice
of five young people embodying certain archetypes: the Whore (Jules),
the Athlete (Curt), the Scholar (Holden), the Fool (Marty), and the
Virgin (Dana). The order in which intended victims perish is flexible,
as long as the Whore is first and the Virgin is last
(or optionally survives, so long as the others die). The Director urges
Dana to shoot Marty, completing the ritual, but they are interrupted by
a werewolf
which Marty fends off after it attacked Dana. Patience Buckner arrives,
killing the Director, and Marty pushes them into a chasm.

Dana and Marty accept that it might be better for another species to
take humanity's place if this is the price of its continued existence.
They share a final joint as an Ancient One finally stirs, destroying the Facility.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 21:51

Two technicians in a sophisticated instrial facility — Richard Sitterson (Richard Jenkins) and Steve Hadley (Bradley Whitford) — are getting ready for an unknown operation, one of several taking place around the world.
Meanwhile, five college students — Dana (Kristen Connolly), Curt (Chris Hemsworth), Jules (Anna Hutchison), Marty (Fran Kranz), and Holden (Jesse Williams) — drive out for avacation to a remote cabin in the woods, while the technicians keep an eye on the students with hidden cameras.
At the cabin, the friends party until they find a cellar full of old artifacts. Dana reads anincantation from an old diary, which causes zombies to rise from the grave. The technicians continue to watch the proceedings while excitedly betting on the actions of the students, including which of a list of different monsters would be chosen and who would make the choice.
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