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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-24 15:52



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 22:16

这个是job description? 如果是这个,那翻译的时候就不用写主语了。追问嗯,是的,主语应该是学校吧。可以帮我翻译一下么?谢谢了~

追答Send the qualified teachers to teach inNJIT;
Recommend the textbooks and provide the curriculumassessment methods and standards;
Supervise the execution of teaching plansand teaching qualities in the joint school ecation;
Admit the qualified students into NU, andconfer the internationally accredited degrees to those who got the requiredcredits;
Provide services for visa application relatedwith the program, and medical assistance for the students’ stay in the U.K.;
Assist the students in their accommodationin Newcastle;
Responsible for students’ enrollment and supervisionin NU;
NU takes charge of the airport pick up.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 22:16

Send the qualified teachers to teach inNJIT;Recommend the textbooks and provide the curriculumassessment methods and standards;Supervise the execution of teaching plansand teaching qualities in the joint school ecation;Admit the qualified students into NU, andconfer the internationally accredited degrees to those who got the requiredcredits;Provide services for visa application relatedwith the program, and medical assistance for the students’ stay in the U.K.;Assist the students in their accommodationin Newcastle;Responsible for students’ enrollment and supervisionin NU;NU takes charge of the airport pick up.这个

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 22:17

Send a qualified teacher teaches at NJIT recommended teaching materials and curriculum evaluation, methods and standards, to supervise the whole process of the cooperative ecation teaching plan and teaching quality. Responsible for receiving the project to meet the requirements of the students into the NU learning, and students to Xiuman credits granted to some degree. Degree won international recognition. The project involves a student visa assistance, provide this project student learning ring medical aid in the uk. NU will be responsible for the airport shuttle. Help students stay in Newcastle was involved in the project. Responsible for the students in the NU school and learning ring the period of management in NU.
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