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上海牛津版英语教材高一课文 More Reading的课文 急求!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 02:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:34

We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads. Each hair shaft has three layers, with the cuticle, or outside layer, protecting the two inner layers.

Shiny hair is a sign of health because the layers of the cuticle lie flat and reflect light. When the scales of the cuticle lie flat they overlap tightly, so the inner layers are well protected from heat, sun, chlorine, and all the other hazards that can come from living in our environment. When hair is damaged, though, the scales may separate and hair can become dry. Because the scales on dry hair don't protect the inner two layers as well, hair can break and look ll.

Depending how long a person's hair is or how fast it grows, the end of each hair shaft can be a couple of years old. So the hair at the end of the shaft could have survived a few summers of scorching sun and saltwater and winters of cold, dry air. How well you care for your hair from the time it emerges from the root plays a role in how healthy it looks.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:34

We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads. Each hair shaft has three layers, with the cuticle, or outside layer, protecting the two inner layers.

Shiny hair is a sign of health because the layers of the cuticle lie flat and reflect light. When the scales of the cuticle lie flat they overlap tightly, so the inner layers are well protected from heat, sun, chlorine, and all the other hazards that can come from living in our environment. When hair is damaged, though, the scales may separate and hair can become dry. Because the scales on dry hair don't protect the inner two layers as well, hair can break and look ll.

The type of hair a person has - whether it's straight or curly - can also affect how shiny it is. Sebum, which is the natural oil on the hair, covers straight hair better than curly hair, which is why straight hair can appear shinier.

Depending how long a person's hair is or how fast it grows, the end of each hair shaft can be a couple of years old. So the hair at the end of the shaft could have survived a few summers of scorching sun and saltwater and winters of cold, dry air. How well you care for your hair from the time it emerges from the root plays a role in how healthy it looks.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:35

What do bears,bats and frogs have in common?They all hibernate.Hibernation si a state often compared to sleep.It often occrus in winter,when a creature does not move for weeks or months continuously.Creatures hibernate to survive the cold weather and the absence of food.
A topical example of a hibernating creature is the bat.When winter comes,bats find a safe place in a cave.Looking like they a dead,they hang upside down.Their pulse and brething rates greatly slow down.Their body temperatures drop as well.these things help them save energy ring long winters when it is difficult to find food.
Frogs,like many amphibians,also hibernate when it gets cold.After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond,they do not stir again until it is warm.During hibernation,they breathe through their skins,not their mouths.
Another hibernating creature is the bear.Incontrast to other creatures,hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead,but seem as though they are very sleepy.If they are disturbed ring hibernation,they can get up very quickly.While hibernating,bears stay in their dens,which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer.In spring,having awakened,they leave their dens,thin and hungry

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:36

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