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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 03:07



热心网友 时间:2023-08-16 01:53




clothes 是复数形式,也是复数含义,请各位纠正自己答案中的错误。Skirts___ ___favouyite clothes.空格上填 are my

改错题:1.My favourite clothes is skirt. 2.We say thanks to our tea...

1中clothes是复数而后面的be动词是单数,所以应该改为“cloth"或者”are skirts"2中thanks应加" ",还有Teacher前应加 the 表特指 3中playing应去掉 ing 加 to, would like=want 答案就是这样的,希望你采纳

将句子变为复数句 1here is a new shirt2is this a blue coat 3whatco...

1here is a new shirt 2is this a blue coat 3whatcolour is this hat 4A skirt is my favourite clothes 答案:1.These are new shirts.2.Are these blue coats?3.What color are those hats?4.The skirts are my favorite clothes....


My name is Ann Read. I live in Xi'an. I'm in class 4 ,rade 7.I have a friend and her name is WeiWei.My favorite color is red and green. My favorite clothes is skirt.I like read books.I also like listen to English song.

英语作文 My favourite clothes 80字

It feels very cool and smooth. When I wear the skirt, I look like a fairy. How beautiful I look in the skirt. I just can't let it go.Now I only wear the skirt when it is an important day. I treasure the skirt very much. I want to keep it for all my life....


正确答案如下:1, I bought a skirt in the store. 我在商店买了一条短裙。2, My favorite clothes are shorts. 我最喜爱的衣服是短裤。3, What color is the T-shirt?这体侐衫是什么颜色?4, I like the white sweater. 我喜欢白色的毛衣。5, Chinese people are proud of Tang Dynasty....

求篇英语作文.My school uniform.字数大于50字.

It is navy blue and white, with a stylish design. The material is comfortable to wear, and it fits me perfectly. The shirt has a white collar and cuffs, and the sleeves are navy blue. The skirt is also navy blue, and it reaches just above my knees. I think the combination of navy...


ugly nor He formed by the lattice lace Kind of aristocratic atmosphere His color is blue Melancholy blue Representative I was melancholy So I like the blue I like my clothes衣服是我们每个人身上穿着的必备物衣服能帮我们挡住身体我的衣服说好看也不好看说难看也不至于他由花边格子组成有种...

My style作文 以”我的穿衣风格(my style)”为题的英语作文.

My clothesMy name is Jane.I am a girl.I have lots of clothes.I like them very much.like jacket,skirt,blouse...How beautiful they are!I have a nice dress,I buy it from the shopping centre of my city,it... 抢首赞 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 分享 复制链接http...

myfavouriteplace myfavouritemonth myfavouritelfood myfavouritephoto myfavouritepart myfavouritehobby myfavouritedrink myfavouritebook 什么ismyfavourite
g7346次列车途经站点,鹤壁北站旅游路线 这就是江湖昆仑天池在哪里-这就是江湖昆仑天池位置 这就是江湖天池钓鱼怎么弄-天池钓鱼玩法技巧分享 最好的姐妹不再信任自已了,还需要挽留吗? 孩子现在读四年级下册,英语零基础26个字母都不认识,一个半月能补上吗... 车子半年不开有没有问题呀 车半年不开没事吧 两江新区两化融合贯标需要什么条件? 竹字头加生念什么 长汀县经济发展 美国的联想y700为什么不能下中国的游戏呢?主要是下载了qq飞车不能安装... the blue skirt is my father’s 画线部分提问 The skirt is Amy's. That is mine.哪里错了??? The skirt is my sister's. The skirt is very beautiful.(改成定 ... The skirt is Amy.找错处 the+skirt+is+mine+that+one+is什么? 大众再亮全新suv,溜背式车身比宝马x6帅气,开它真有面子 想要宝马X6的大溜背,这款车堪称X6亲民款,售价只要五分之一 酷似宝马X6的SUV有哪些车? 220马力+四驱+双尾翼,这款全新SUV回头率不输宝马X6 身形媲美宝马X6!途观X到店实拍,运动感虽强,但依旧老三样 溜背不输宝马X6,大众、奥迪全新轿跑SUV推荐,还有V6动力可选 一汽大众也玩起了轿跑SUV,申报图已经曝光,有种宝马X6的神韵 到店实拍途观X,贯穿式尾灯+大溜背媲美宝马X6,24.59万起售 太钢总部迁移往岚县吗 一个有钱的女人总爱告诉别人自己买的东西多贵,怎么分析她的性格? 如果喜欢的女生故意在朋友圈对你晒自己家境好,是不是要你知难而退... 喜欢发抖音炫耀工资的女人好吗 一个人老是炫耀自己存了多少钱是什么回事!这样好不好? 异地取款手续费谁出? 斯坦福大学专业哪些适合留学生 三类企业退税申报要退税认证后多久 (2). The skirt on the sofa is my mother’s.改为定语从句? 合肥到滁州高铁开建了吗 蚌埠市五河县人现在出行能不能上高铁? 五河到苏州汽车随车电话 网签备案过的房子可以更名吗? 实况足球10中梅西的能力指数是多少啊 实况足球2010中的梅西能力值 实况足球2010怎么样才能用梅西或卡卡很好的过人 PES6(实况足球10)的最佳32人名单 实况足球10(PES6)中我有亨利,C罗,欧文,罗本,梅西,杰拉德,阿隆索,卡夫... 实况足球2010梅西厉害还是C罗厉害 动力斗争可分为哪四种类型 皮肤痒,长红色的块块 皮肤出现红色块状 武陟车管所电话号码是什么 兴森科技和凌雄科技关系 新机华为麦芒4搭配指纹识别功能吗?它的性能如何? 怪物猎人xx 村7星是上位还是g位 为什么说2017年是较好的买房时机