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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 17:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 10:05

If you give a definition of love, I think this is a very difficult thing, I think this is a feeling that must be some meaning is never required. I have to give a very simple example, my dad likes to eat noodles, and my mother likes to eat noodles, but they have never had a quarrel in the eating surface, a single father would tune a bowl of soup, a sauce do, then two people will eat very quiet, nothing too much, because all the love in the soup in the face, in the bowl. I think there is such a love, so I will follow my parents so extraordinary way to treat everyone I love. The more ordinary, love more concentrated, the more precious. So, do a little bit more for others, this is love, at least I have always thought that this is love, extraordinary love.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 10:06

If you want to give love a definition, I think this is a very difficult thing, I think this is a kind of feeling, is never specified must be some significance. I give a very simple to example, my dad likes to eat noodles, and my mother likes eating Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, but they never eat noodles have a quarrel, dad will be a bowl of soup, and then do a paste, then two people will eat very quiet, no what too much because of love, all in the soup in the flour in the bowl. I want to have this love, so I will according to my parents so ordinary, to treat every person I love. The more ordinary, love the more concentrated, the more valuable. So, more for others to do a little bit of love, that is, at least I think, it is love, ordinary love.
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