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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 18:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 14:53

in plant taxology,bamboo belongs to Gramineae,the bamboo subfamily.
in the world ,there are more than 500 kinds of bamboos in all,they mainly distribute in the tropic Asia.
our country has the most kinds of bamboo country,so other countries call us "the hometown of bamboo"
there are more than 200 kinds of bamboo in our country ,they mainly distribute in southwest,some provinces and areas of south of China and Taiwan Province .
in yunnan province and guangxi area where minority live,you can see bamboo houses having ethical characteristics everywhere.
in bamboo countries of southwest,the south of China and TaiWan province ,all the commodity are made by bamboo:kiosk,stage,house,bridge , desk ,chair and wooden stool are made by bamboo,even the basket.
except these,bamboo hat,bamboo mat,bamboo basket are normal.
China is the country that procts the most bamboo.
据不完全统计,目前全国的竹林面积达20 000平方千米,各种竹子的总数达62亿多株,平均每个中国人拥有5株竹子。
according to imcomplete statistics,at present the banmboo area reachs 20,000 square kilometres,the number of all kinds of bamboo is 62billion,on average each each Chinese has 5 bamboos

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 14:53

In the systematic botany, the bamboo is Gramineae. the bamboo subfamily. In the world altogether has 500 many kinds of bamboos, they mainly distribute in the tropics Asia. Our country is bamboo type most countries, therefore enjoys "the bamboo hometown" title. Our country bamboo altogether has 200 many kinds of, they mainly distribute in the southwest, the Chinese Namhkok provincial capital area and Taiwan Province area our country Yunnan, Guangxi's national minority live together,everywhere obviously nationality style rich bamboo house. In the southwest, the Chinese Namhkok provincial capital area and Taiwan Province's bamboo township nearly all daily necessities all are make with the bamboo: The pavilions is the bamboo builds, the bridge is the bamboo builds, the household furniture is the bamboo makes, the wicker basket also is bamboo forming. Except for this, the bamboo bamboo hat, the bamboo summer sleeping mat, the bamboo basket are ordinary. China proces bamboo most countries. According to incomplete statistics, at present the national bamboo grove area amounts to 20,000 square kilometers, each kind of bamboo's total approximately more than 200 million, average each Chinese has 5 bamboos

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 14:54

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