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五年级英语作文 l'm helpfu

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 15:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 07:53

am helpful
I am a helpful girl, because i often help my mom do some housework. There is a big house in my family, and my parents are all busy with their work. I come back home earlier than my parents, and i know that they are tired after work. So i sweep the floor and clean the windows every two days.
One day, i was at home waiting for my parents back home, at that time i was hungry with my growling stomach. And my parents may come home an hour later, I came into the kitchen and took out some noodles from the cupboard. I recalled what my mother did, and boiled the water first, then put the noodles in the pot. It took me just about ten minutes to make the noodle.But there was a problem that i didn't know how to add condiments, especially the salt, so i tried to add it little by little. Eventually add the salt properly. After i ate the noodles which was cooked by myself for the first time.
When my parents came back, i told them what i did,and i cooked them noodles that night. They praised me for the delicious noodles. They all felt me a helpful girl.
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