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英语作文 求速度帮忙解决!!急需 假如你是李华

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 19:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 01:35

Dear Wei,
Glad to receive your letter and hope everything's going well with you!
You told me that you failed to catch up with others even though you stay up late studying everyday, well, it's the same situation that I have met before, I think here's some advice for your information. Firstly, please think carefully about your studying method, is there something you can approve on the way? I'm not so supportive on staying up late, it's harmful for your health, meanwhile, you're gonna feel tired for next whole day, which makes your studying unefficient at all. Secondly, please never loose your faith on your efforts, and you'll surely get the sweet fruit as long as you seed, water, and take care of the plant. The most important thing is the right methd, as long as you spend time doing the right thing, you will have your ideal result finally. Cheer up, my friend, I believe you can do well in your study!


热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 01:35

Hello,Wangwei!How's it going!I received ur message.Dont worry anout that.Let me give u some advice.I think,grade is not the most important thing,but depend on whether u hav efforted or not.It's a bad idea to stay up too late, do harm for ur body.Cheer up!I can help u with ur study.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 01:35

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