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请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢.

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 21:41



热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 06:17


I've been informed by my manager that you are living around Jiangwan stadium, We are to pick you up at nine o'clock at the entrance of Jiangwan underground station in the morning . Do you think if this time is suitable for you ? if not ,please kindly let us know what time is suitable and convenient for us to come to pick you up .

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 06:18

I learned from my manager that you are staying near Jiang Wan Stadium. We'll pick you up 9 am at the entrance of the Jiang Wan subway station. What do you think? If you find the time not working for you, please let us know when would be a good time.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 06:18

I learned from the manager that you live near the Jiang Wan Stadium. We plan to pick you up at 9:00 AM in the morning at the entrance of the Jiang Wan subway station. Do you think the time schele suitable? If not, please tell me the suitable time for you.
请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢。

Traditional window ticketing is of low efficiency and the film time is hard to fix, which result in a long time to buying a ticket. Sometimes we fail to get a ticket due to various reasons. This not only wastes valuable time, ...

请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢.

if not ,please kindly let us know what time is suitable and convenient for us to come to pick you up .


英文翻译一下下面这段话谢谢。高手进,不要翻译器的 这还不容易,我们家可是中医世家啊,不过要说讲得明白,还要去问你爷爷。嗯,爷爷现在在屋里练习“八段锦”呢,我去找他。慢点,一点猴子样子都没有。爷爷,你能告诉我马钱子 决明子 苍耳子 莲子 这都是本草纲目上的吗?他们都长什么样?能治什么病啊?... 展开 ...


1.Never going to fall afoul of a do not want you to excuse me, or you will only make people and himself.永远不要去缠着一个不想被你打扰的人,不然只会让别人和自己都不开心。2.Not hurt anyone anything to the circumstances, not to go to any change anything, whether your pare...


I used to work as a volunteer at the subway station, the care-center for the handicappedand the geracomium. My major work at the subway station was to keep order at rush hours and to remind passengers to walk on the left-hand side and to stand by the right-hand side while...


double-decker bus during off-peak hours. The wing slowly breezes through my face and the sun lights shine on my body, they put my troubles away and hug me into the nature. Though the destination is my favorite library, I am not longing for the journey to end so quickly....


In order to go to the university(college是大专的意思), an amount of students have to give up what they really like(或者their real interests), which has been compromised to their internal desire again and again. At that time, all the desires are forced by the external so that ...


而大多数人只知道在英式英语中和美式英语中“can‘t”“dance”几个词汇发音的区别。Most people just know about some pronouncing distinction of a few words like "can‘t "or " dance ".今天我将要介绍一下更多的区别。Today I will introduce you more distinction./雪娇野兰·纯手工译品/ ...

请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢。

session and seat and then book a ticket. The administrators can manage registratered users, movie information and ticket booking information. Also they can add, modify and delete movie information and so on.【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,脑力结晶,手工创作,满意请记得及时采纳哦,谢谢^_^ ...


The reason why people live in this world is that they get material satisfaction and emotional communication. When dealing with classmates, friends, co-workers and even family members, running into some conflicts and misunderstandings are unavoidable. When you are misunderstood by others,...

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