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um holp up np i ain't too flawless and no 是什么歌的歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 18:49



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:38

歌曲:Can I Get A Witness
作曲 : Aaron Hoffman/Nadir Khayat/Rachid Aziz
作词 : Aaron Hoffman/Nadir Khayat/Rachid Aziz
歌词:Shots fired
Back to the future
Catching air like I hit a floaty booter
Move bitch out the way like I'm luda
I'm making moves like I'm doing kama sutra
Doing kama sutra
Move bitch out the way like I'm luda
Doing kama sutra
Move bitch out the way like I'm luda hold up
I fell in love with you cause you made me feel
I fell in love with you cause you kept it real
Man you done changed up on me you changed your flow
Now I been hating on you everywhere I go
Um hold up
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired
Back to my business
Used to dreaming now I muhf**kin' live this
Kill this shit tell me can I get a witness
Yelling move bitch like we doing fitness
Can I get a witness
Yelling move bitch like we doing fitness
Can I get a witness
Yelling move bitch like we doing fitness
I fell in love with you off that first mixtape
I fell in love with you cause rap ain't my thing
I thought that you were different I guess I's wrong
Cause I ain't f**king with none of your new songs
Um hold up
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired
I am the man no I ain't aim for no crown
But when you mention them no don't leave me out
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 05:39

Can I Get A Witness (有目击者吗) - SonReal
Written by:Aaron Hoffman/Nadir Khayat/Rachid Aziz
Shots fired
Back to the future
Catching air like I hit a floaty booter
Move b**ch out the way like I'm luda
I'm making moves like I'm doing kama sutra
Doing kama sutra
Move b**ch out the way like I'm luda
Doing kama sutra
Move b**ch out the way like I'm luda hold up
I fell in love with you cause you made me feel
I fell in love with you cause you kept it real
Man you done changed up on me you changed your flow
Now I been hating on you everywhere I go
Um hold up
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired
Back to my business
Used to dreaming now I muhf**kin' live this
Kill this sh*t tell me can I get a witness
Yelling move b**ch like we doing fitness
Can I get a witness
Yelling move b**ch like we doing fitness
Can I get a witness
Yelling move b**ch like we doing fitness
I fell in love with you off that first mixtape
I fell in love with you cause rap ain't my thing
I thought that you were different I guess I's wrong
Cause I ain't f**king with none of your new songs
Um hold up
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired
I am the man no I ain't aim for no crown
But when you mention them no don't leave me out
No I ain't too flawless and no I ain't the best
And no I don't say sorry and no I ain't perfect
But I am the man I am the man
Shots fired
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