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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 06:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 08:27

Underneath, I want to discuss the translation( the The Translation of Colloquial and Literary Expressions) of the vernacular speech and written form language.The vernacular speech is the expression form that the hour of social intercourse of oral communication use, is also people in the daily life a communication method.Its phrase remits the characteristics is popular to understand easily, JIAN3 LIAN4 is vivid, change quickly, the creative composition is many.Its phrasing characteristics is laxer, sometimes existing not circumstance of norm, the phenomenon that abridge and simplify is outstanding, short sentence, interrogative sentence, feel deeply about the usage frequency of the sentence and imperative sentence more than written form language, a type structure is also iner brief many than written form language.For example, see the nether example:

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 08:28

Below, do I think???With??Of turn over? .?BE?Hand over??The form of usage?Form is also a person?Utilization rate in the daily life the highest one Method.Its??Especially?Is popular to understand easily, Get, Turn fast, ?New composition many.Its?Is the method especially?Ratio?Does the pine spreads, has?Exist not?Fan's feeling?, Abridge with?Turn?The elephant is outstanding, short sentence, 疑 ?Sentence, feeling?The usage of sentence and imperative sentence?Does the rate compare??Have another, sentence type?Does the 构 also compare????Of many.For example, ?See nether example
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