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2012年05月28日 11时48分,《英语:VOA慢速英语听力:珍·克雷黑德·乔治的荒野生活[1]》由liuxue86.com英语我整理.
nd minks. And, of course, more traditional pets like dogs and cats.

The family had more than one hundred seventy animals, although not all at once. Jean Craighead George said the pets were always free to stay or go.

Her career in children's literature began in nineteen forty-eight with the publication of her first book, "Vulpes the Red Fox." Eleven years later came "My Side of the Mountain," one of the best loved children's books ever.

It tells the story of Sam Gribley, a boy who escapes the busy life of New York City. He goes to live in the wilderness of the Catskill Mountains. His home is a hollowed out tree.

Sam makes friends with several animals, including a falcon he calls Frightful. He hunts and fishes and finds plants to eat. He also steals deer that have been killed by hunters.

Jean Craighead George said she wrote "My Side of the Mountain" to tell about all the wonderful adventures she experienced as a child in the woods. The American Library Association recognized the book with a Newberry Honor in nineteen sixty.

In nineteen seventy-three, Jean Craighead George won a Newberry Medal for "Julie of the Wolves." She had earlier travelled to Barrow, Alaska and met with scientists there. They taught her how to communicate with wolves. The author said she was finally successful with a beautiful female wolf. She knew then she wanted to write about a little Eskimo girl lost on the frozen land. Julie survives by learning how to talk to the wolves. They then help protect her.

Jean Craighead George's website includes a short video of the author talking to her dog. It is not a wolf like the one Julie ran with, but a close relative -- the Alaskan malamute.

Jean Craighead George hoped her work in fiction would help children enjoy the wilderness and also protect it. Her own children followed in her footsteps. Her daughter writes books about nature for children. One son is a whale researcher. The oth

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