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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 05:14



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:48

The substation is an important part of the power system , it directly affects the security and economic operation of the electricity system as a whole , is the contact power plants and the intermediate links , plays the role of the transformation and distribution of electric energy . The design of 110kV stepdown substation as the main design object analysis of the substation the original data to determine the main substation wiring ; through the load calculation to determine the number of main transformer capacity and model .

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:49

Substation,one of the most important part for power system, which plays the major role on whether the operation of whole power system runs safely and economically, functions as a conjunction between power stations and families which is capable of exchanging and allocating electricity.
A 110kv downstep substation is used as the basis in this project and its wiring is determined by the original data. To confirm the substation's main imformation of its total amount, capacity and type through rusults from load calculation and then,according to the data we get,to exmine and select disposable divices.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 19:49

  Substation are important parts in power systems. It directly affects safety and economic operation of the whole power system. It links power plant and the ,and plays the transformation and distribution of power function.
  The design with 110 kv buck substation as the main design object, analyzing the original material of substation which determines main connection of substation main connection; Through the load calculation to determine the main transformer sets, capacity and model. According to the short circuit calculation results, select and check a substation equipment.
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