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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 17:27



热心网友 时间:2022-05-17 02:13

to: mike bush, the department manager

from: bill brown, the technical section date: april 3,2009

subject: examining a malfunction of the machine in italy

period: from march 1 to april 1,2009


last month,as you demanded, i was on a business trip to one of our company’s factories in italy to inspect some machines in trouble. they were reported to refuse to work properly and some of them even totally broke down in february. technicians in the factory didn’t know what to do with them, let alone the workers operating them. activities done in this period:

•ring the last month, fve been checking the machines which are reported in troubles since the day i arrived here, and find that something goes wrong with the machine engines.

•after observing other machines for several days, i find that some of them are also on the edge of breaking down.

•i have also been to other factories in the region which are using the same machines, and find that some of them even have similar problems with us.

plans for the next period:

•i’ll contact the technicians of the machine manufacturers and try to find the way out.

•if the problems remain the same or can’t be solved, i have to ask for a refund for all the machines in the factory, since they were purchased only three months ago and e to the fact that similar problems occurred in other factories. i wonder there may be something wrong with the design of the machines in the first place.

•if that’s the case, i have to look for other manufacturers for new machines to be used in our factory.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-17 03:31


热心网友 时间:2022-05-17 05:06

turns the spirit back to st.
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