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Skinny Dippin' (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 10:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 09:21

歌曲名:Skinny Dippin' (Album Version)
歌手:Whitney Duncan
专辑:Right Road Now

Skinny Dippin' (Album Version)
Whitney Duncan
Dirt road in his old truck
Lined with honeysuckles
Down that old beach bend
Saw the water through the trees
And the way he looked at me
With that sly southern grin
And he said, I hope you know how to swim
We took off our clothes
Threw 'em in the bushes
Mud between our toes
Bare white tushes lord
How'd he get me to do it
How he talked me into it
Sunlight on the river glistened
And we were skinny dippin'
Screaming bloody murder
As he pulled me under
He took my breath for awhile
Chills from the Mississippi
Chills from the way he kissed me
We came back up with a smile
I never felt more alive
We took off our clothes
Threw 'em in the bushes
Mud between our toes
Bare white tushes lord
How'd he get me to do it
How he talked me into it
Sunlight on the river glistened
And we were skinny dippin'
Oooohhhh, yeah yeah
We took off our clothes
Threw em' in the bushes
Mud between our toes
Bare white tushes lord
How'd he get me to do it
How he talked me into it
Sunlight on the river glistened
And we were skinny dippin'
Ohh we were doing nothin' wrong
We were just coolin' off
July I was hot and sticky
Lord we were skinny dippin'
Truck radio blarin'
That water was all we were wearin'
To our necks and kissin'
Lord we were skinny dippin'
Ohh yeahhh
Lord we were skinny dippin'

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