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求Krewella - Live for the Night歌词。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 10:20



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:35


热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 09:35

Krewella - Live For The Night

I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
Til I'm free fallin
I live for the nights

I am tryna holla got that ink up on my colla'
Drinkin til it's nada, isn't whiskey I don't bother
My bitches ain't no dimes they be motha*in' dollars
So we stack our drinks up high, skyscrappin' til we taller
Ring ring hit that up show that universal love
If you bleed that red blood dance until you get enough
Ring ring hit that up show that universal love
If you bleed that red blood dance until you get enough

Imma do what I want, whatever
Imma rage til the dawn, all nighter
Don't hold your breath you know I'll sleep when I am dead

I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
I live for the night
Free fallin'

I'm a grim reaper when I'm blarin' out your speaker
Killin' out the weaker welcome to the final feature
My head is in the clouds, you can say that I'm a dreamer
But I bang it super loud turn that bitch into a screamer

Imma do what I want, whatever
Imma rage til the dawn, all nighter
Don't hold your breath you know I'll sleep when I am dead

I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'

I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'
I live for the night
I live for the lights
I live for the high til I'm free fallin'

I live for the night
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