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my favourite clothes 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 12:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 08:14

Today, the teacher has let us bring self most delighted small with one clothes mirrors along. The teacher lets us introce self delighted clothes first. My clothes are gloomy sweaters , it can pawn an overcoat have on, also can do an underwear have on. The collar has the yellow and gloomy streak before being to set up the collar , the chest. When it is that I celebrate the birthday, mother gives my birthday a gift. Wear very warm , very comfortable.Be that inside clothes sleeves is held in general when I put clothes on,in piercing into a sleeve with the right hand first , in piercing into a sleeve again with the left hand. And then fall into a trap from the beginning with the clothes coming down , pull a sleeve again , pull clothes. Finally, with collarband, that the local zip fastener pony train goes up to come untied.In the sometimes Kaidetai has been quick because of the pony train , the card has gone in , the pony train cannot start the clothes cloth. I am forced to have opereate a pony train to starting point , to be going to start anew , at this time the pony train is smooth have moved to a destination. Clothes has been penetrated well, I the front have cast light on the mirror according to discovering a collar not having done it tidy yet. I hold a collar chatted. Clothes penetrate the tidy once small tiny smile of handsome boy in my opposite mirror. This piece of clothes be in a fix really!
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