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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 13:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 19:57

I read " Anderson fairy tale " behind the the book, make me receive loud benefit gained from others' wisdom very not long ago. At the sea surface in the entrance in Copenhagen in the capital in Denmark, a bronze statue rises from the surface of water. It tells people this is Denmark, because it is a symbol of Denmark. But it neither represents the founder of a state of Denmark, does not represent the remarkable hero of a certain imp The soul not killed ". For obtain the soul, more advanced realm to enter life, she give up, have no life strained while being carefree, stand changing one's own fish tail into the enormous agony brought behind legs of a pair of persons beautiful, love one prince of human world deeply, hope, can get a human soul through love of him. But this prince married a human world woman finall
" ugly ckling " it will get off in all one's life, because born very much uglily, people and animals do not dislike it. In cold winter, it suffered all kinds of and torments in the forest. Later on it depended on one's own efforts, flew at last. It has become
The little girl while " selling to the little girl of the match " is a child living in the poor family. Full of darkly in her childhood, is full of cold. Shortly before New Year, in snowy night, one bareheaded barefoot little girl in thin old apron, freeze and also contract in a corner hungrily, she has not sold a match, can not go home, she takes a match out to present a lot of hollow dreamland in front of her while getting warm f
There are " old street lamps ", the girl Thumb of the sha of Ally of the " wild swan " and " the girl Thumb ",etc. have fine quality: Instrious, brave, strong willpower, the spirit sacrificed, overcome the resolution of the difficulty, I believe, the i begin to understand that there are not things perfect in every way in the world after finishing reading this thought-provoking children's story, have perfect in every way person " bitter through some cold frost, where
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