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英语作文how to make oil tea有翻释

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热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 10:43

How to Make Tea?
Tea is one of the most popular drinks all over the world.In order to make a good tea drink,firstly,you must have to make tea pot and tea cups warmed up with hot water.In this way,tea pot and tea cups can have the same temperature as the tea prior to serving the tea.The next step of it is to use the right tool to put tea,like green tea,into the tea pot.Don’t use your hands because the tea will absorb foreign smell.The third one is to put hot water into the tea pot.And then cover the tea pot and use hot water to warm up the lid.You just wait for only a few minutes for the completion of making tea drink.In the next step,you have to wipe the water around the tea pot with towel prior to pouring the tea into the tea cups.Finally,prior to pouring tea into tea cups,you can put the tea cups in a line,then pour tea into the tea cups and move tea pot back and forth along tea cups to ensure that the flavor is distributed for each indivial tea cup.And relax and enjoy your delicious cup of tea.
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